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Everything posted by dr_ghost

  1. I want to modify the code i put not making a new code
  2. plz anyone help me in making this counter good the original one i'm using is like that and the one i want to be modified like that and the original code used is that <? echo"<div class='pagi'>"; for($i=1;$i<=$pages;$i++) { if($page==$i) echo"<span class='current'> $i& nbsp;</span>"; else { echo " "; echo"<a class='paginate' href='index.php?page=$i'> $i </a>"; } } if($page>1) { $prev=$page-1; echo " "; echo"<a class='paginate' href='index.php?page=$pre v'> « Prev </a>"; } if($page<$pages) { $next=$page+1; echo" "; echo"<a class='paginate' href='index.php?page=$nex t'> Next » </a>"; } echo"</div>"; ?> plz any one give me the modified code to be like modified image
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