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  1. You need the mysql.dll file as well. Not sure if that's copied to your PHP dir if you don't specify on install.
  2. jxrd

    Web Crawling

    If you truly believe IP spoofing is illegal, find a law that prohibits it and I'll admit that I'm wrong. This is true, and we are not opposed to "how do I protect myself against..." threads. However, that isn't what you're asking here, now is it. And no, but you suggested it, and I enquired how you would implement it. Tbh, there's not much point in suggesting something if you have no intention of explaining how to do it. Tbh, I can probably spoof an IP as well as you can (which is...probably not very well). I was just enquiring how you would do so yourself, considering this is a place of education, or at least, that's how I think of it. If I wanted to acually spoof my IP address, I'd just google it. You withholding your own methods isn't actually going to stop anyone intent on spoofing their IP address...there's plenty of information out there. I don't want to get into an argument about this, I just don't really see where you're coming from.
  3. I've never actually used it myself so I have no idea. May be worth posting in 3rd party PHP scripts board.
  4. I'd say it was something to do with your host then. Maybe dodgy hardware or memory leaks or something. Who knows...
  5. jxrd

    Web Crawling

    Immoral methods such as hacking must be considered when designing a PHP application. Often the best way to protect against something is to learn how it's done. So, does that mean you consider this website illegal/immoral/unethical/black-hat? Would you consider this thread immoral? I don't mean to be rude, and if I am I apologise. But you're the one who suggested it anyways... And yeah, I'm pretty sure. If I was knowingly using someone elses IP address and pretending to be them, then it may well be illegal. But nowhere in any computer misuse act does it state you can't use a certain IP adress.
  6. Have you tried using normal mysql_connect()?
  7. jxrd

    Web Crawling

    I don't believe spoofing your IP address is illegal.
  8. jxrd

    Web Crawling

    Lol k...I'll take that as an "idk".
  9. jxrd

    Web Crawling

    How would you do that, may I ask? I've researched IP spoofing, but it can't really be done except with one way protocols. HTTP is apparently stupidly difficult, having to bypass the SYN-SYN/ACK-ACK 3-way handshake, as well as the sequences randomly generated by the server. I'm not too knowledgeable on the subject....but I do know that it's pretty hard (if not, impossible) to spoof your IP address for web browsing...
  10. You need to connect to an SMTP server to send email. If you don't have one installed on your PC you'll have to use someone elses. However, it could get complicated if they require authentication, as mail() doesn't support SMTP auth. You'd have to use something like phpmailer I think...
  11. jxrd

    Web Crawling

    That doesn't sounds like good programming...you should create functions to prevent repetive code. ...yeah.
  12. jxrd

    cURL Help

  13. jxrd

    cURL Help

    What's the url of the page you are trying to scrape?
  14. Hi all, Ok...I've recently done a bit of speed-testing on my site, mainly my forum. It turns out, that a join that counts the number of posts for a thread takes about 0.2 seconds...which is crazy. If I take out the join, it takes about 0.05 seconds (but obviously, I can't display how many posts the thread has). I then tried an inner join and it was about 0.09 seconds, but didn't display child forums, as it wouldn't return any posts for them, only threads. I then changed it to use an IF statement. Hard to explain, I'll give you examples: This is the original query: SELECT F.*, COUNT(P.`ID`) AS `PostCount` FROM `$tb_Forum` F LEFT OUTER JOIN `$tb_Forum` P ON (F.`ID`=P.`Thread` OR F.`ID`=P.`ID`) AND P.`Type` IN('thread', 'post') #blah....and so on And this is the new query: SELECT F.*, COUNT(P.`ID`) AS `PostCount` FROM `$tb_Forum` F INNER JOIN `$tb_Forum` P ON IF(F.`Type`='forum', F.`ID`=P.`Forum` OR F.`ID`=P.`ID`, (F.`ID`=P.`Thread` OR F.`ID`=P.`ID`) AND P.`Type` IN('thread', 'post')) And the new one is about 0.2 seconds faster. Why is this? Are left joins really that slow? I'm just wondering why this is so much faster...and returns the exact same results. Thanks for any info
  15. jxrd

    cURL Help

    <?php $curl_return = '<a href=\'viewuser.php?u=something\'>username</a>'; $curl_return = str_replace(array('<', '>'), array('[', ']'), $curl_return); preg_match('/\[a href=\'viewuser\.php\?u=[a-z]+\'\]([a-z]+)\[\/a\]/i', $curl_return, $matches); print_r($matches); Come on..surely you can adapt this.
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