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Cruiz Risner

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Everything posted by Cruiz Risner

  1. I need some help with some coding fixes, Ill send the code in PM so just reply to this and ill PM u
  2. wholly crap i cant believe i missed that. lol i need to get some sleep im like zombie. thanks man
  3. I am getting this error: "Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_VARIABLE in /home/cruiz/public_html/phpmail.php on line 10" for this code <html> <body> <?php if (isset($_REQUEST['email'])) //if "email" is filled out, send email { //send email $to = $_REQUEST['to'] $email = $_REQUEST['email'] ; $subject = $_REQUEST['subject'] ; $message = $_REQUEST['message'] ; mail( "TO: $to", "Subject: $subject", $message, "From: $email" ); echo "Thank you for using my fake mail system. Simple is great."; } else //if "email" is not filled out, display the form { echo "<form method='post' action='index.php'> TO: <input name='TO' type='text' /><br /> Email: <input name='email' type='text' /><br /> Name: <input name='subject' type='text' /><br /> Message:<br /> <textarea name='message' rows='15' cols='40'> </textarea><br /> <input type='submit' /> </form>"; } ?> </body> </html> can anyone fix this?
  4. nevermind i got it. i backed the index.php back one file and placed index.html in the www dir. it works now -- http://asv.kicks-ass.org
  5. my ip leads to a 403 forbidden error. how do i fix that?
  6. there is no htdocs folder, but there is a www directory. it says i should place them in there. i did. but idk how to do the domain and IP thing so that i have an address
  7. I installed wampserver and put it online but idk how to get anywhere from here. how do i make it host files and what are the addresses?
  8. ok Garethp, ppl are here for help so help them or leave it alone. take example from redarrow, he helped. thanks redarrow
  9. does anyone know how to make a good user login system or forums?
  10. yes the site is a free template site. why? i have no money to pay for a site, hence there is a free service from me. And would u like to know where i get my security experts? And also sorry if my wording got a bit confusing. We are doing this service for free because it does not give us any financial gain. we are doing this for educational purposes (to those of you who submit your site, we teach you how to fix it) plus we dont want to be one of those vicious high cost security testers. we are "budget friendly".
  11. go to webs.com and u can find out who runs the templates and apps, i just selected mine from an easy interface like any other webs user. I cant change the sites security cuz its just a free webs site. I dont even care if that place is secure, all i need it for is to get permission to test ppls sites. Trust me i have some great security experts on there as my members/hackers.
  12. i hope u know that im not in charge of the security on that site. its just a simple webs site that i use to get word out of what im doing. and i do not pay for it, i just use the webs server, therefore i do not "own" it. So dont try to hack webs.com without their permission. that is unethical and illegal and u will be considered a cracker and not a hacker.
  13. ok so i obviously have a webs and idc if u judge the looks. please judge my service. im just starting this free service with me and a bunch of other security professionals, submit your site. Is your site safe? if not then want to make it safe? we will give u detailed descriptions of how to make it secure to the maxxx completely free. here is the link....... http://hacksquadelite.webs.com
  14. thanks guys. and yes im learning the social network for a sort of private use. more like just local/friends site, nothing big. the online business however will be used for an actual appliance business for sales. and at that i mark this solved
  15. ive used dreamweaver before and i think it is the best. but i cant afford it so i use html kit. its a very good free tool
  16. You should learn some web design, maybe something simple. Try penn foster, its short and cheap with web design. Then u can go to www.searchenginecollege.com and there is a load of cheap short courses that will teach you all you need to know to become a full SEO or SEM. Plus taking those will look great on a resume if u want to get hired as an SEO/SEM. and they make a good pay. a better pay than web design
  17. i know this question might not go here but i dont know where to put it. I would like to know exactly how i should make these two seperate sites. One is a social network site like myspace or friendster. that one is the one i want to do for myself. A friend of mine has a appliance business and he wants an online store and id like to know exactly how to make one of those too. Is there anyone that can answer this or tell me where to post it to get an answer?
  18. thanks that solves it
  19. no i just want a list of like languages and scripts i should learn and stuff like that
  20. can anyone tell me exactly what stuff i should learn for making a social networking site in an organized way?
  21. alright guys thanks for the job pay thing, my prob is solved
  22. well i know how to do math, im good with that. my question was to just confirm from people who have experience in the field, is that really what i will make?
  23. how much should i get if i just finished taking an online web design course from Penn Foster Career School? the school says i should make 60 to 70 grand a year
  24. i like the results i came up with. its right to the point. it has a good list on the front. however it lacks design and is not that appealing to something that wants to stand out. overall its good except needs a little makeover
  25. I think i know most of this stuff because im very familiar with web design and stuff. If i were familiar with those would SEO be easy to me?
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