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  1. Hi all, Does anyone know much about laravel regarding an error like this: Warning: Missing argument 1 for Illuminate\Foundation\Application::detectEnvironment(), called in /var/sites/m/meet.relatable.co.uk/public_html/bootstrap/start.php on line 27 and defined in /var/sites/m/meet.relatable.co.uk/public_html/vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Foundation/Application.php on line 258 Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /var/sites/m/meet.relatable.co.uk/public_html/vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Foundation/EnvironmentDetector.php on line 42 Ta
  2. Hi. Please see this PDF: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/196843290/mobbill%20integration%20guide-1.2.pdf I need help with page 9. How can I detect a validated session which the user has come through on? I need to either accept the visitor, or redirect them if a valid session key isn't matched? Cheers
  3. Hello. How would I print the following: So that I can set a button containing site2.com. Example: <a href="site2.com"></a> And so forth: Would print: <a href="site3.com"></a>
  4. Hi, I'm using an example below regarding a whole URL. I'm looking for some conditional PHP that will display certain content depending on if the URL contains the word 'liz' if not, display else. $host = $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] . $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']; if($host == 'liz-4.website.com') { echo $this->__('The domain contains the word liz.'); } else { echo $this->__('The domain does not contain the word liz.'); }
  5. Hi. I'm trying to use this code: <?php previous_post_link('%link', '<img src="http://localhost/website.gif" alt="Previous" />' true) ?> But I get the error: Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_STRING Will this be related to the code incorrect for wordpress or a general error? Thanks
  6. Hello. I'm not sure whether this would come under PHP or HTML, but some sites display how many shares an article has had in a font, like this: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/196843290/DBUpload/20140726.183853.png What would the best way of doing this be? Thanks.
  7. This doesn't seem to address the issue. Thank you for trying anyhow.
  8. Hello. My site mobile theme has a overall padding of 10px, however, this isn't displaying my mobile ads correctly. I have the advert codes wrapped like this: <div class="googlead"> <!-- ad code here --> </div> This is the @media main css: .content-wrap{ line-height: 150%; font-size: 15px; padding: 10px; background-color: #ffffff; } Is it possible to make ".content-wrap{" ignore the googlead class so that I can specify a 0% padding as required. Could I use :not in this instance? Cheers.
  9. Thank you sir, I'll look to implement that! Thank you so much the feedback, I've worked hard to keep it looking slick and fast yet maintain a perfect mobile theme also. Cheers.
  10. Hello. On my site, the logo located here: http://viraltrend.co.uk/ Displays OK on Chrome but when I try and view it on internet explorer, it looks like this: Is there a reason why this is happening and what is the best way to fix it? Thank you.
  11. This works perfectly. <?php $url = '<a href="/cashback.aspx?linkauth=MATCHEVERYrtyTHINGHERE&mpurl=test&usr=test">'; if(preg_match('~=([A-Za-z]+)&~', $url, $match)) { echo '<pre>'.print_r($match[1], true).'</pre>';} else { echo 'No match'; } ?> However, I need it to grab the content from a specific URL in the exact same format.
  12. Hello. Is there a way to make preg_match match all content such as: <a href="/cashback.aspx?linkauth=MATCHEVERYTHINGHERE&mpurl=test&usr=test"> The linkauth has a random string on numbers and characters on a webpage that I want to grab based on that format. Thanks.
  13. Thank you!
  14. Hello. I want to use .htaccess to redirect to eBay items When I use test.co.uk/12345 as an example It is outputting: test.co.uk/test=/12345/go I need it to output: test.co.uk/test=12345/go Thank you RewriteEngine on RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} =test.co.uk [OR] RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} =www.test.co.uk RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !^/?$ [NC] RewriteRule ^ http://www.ebay.co.uk/test=%{REQUEST_URI}/go [R=301,L]
  15. Literally loads of issets in the same layout, I would use !isset but I'd rather not have to add an exclusion every time. Thanks
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