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  1. Let me be more specific. I barley know my way around PHP, and i just need help with this bit of code. I would be very great grateful if someone could make this field so that it is required so i can just paste it in. Thank you. Tom.
  2. Hello, I need help on making a field a necessary requirement. I know this is fairly simple but Ive looked around so many places and cannot find the solution. Here is my code <form action=”{$base_dir}order-detail.php” method=“post” class=“std” id=“sendOrderMessage”> {l s=‘Add a message:’} {l s=‘Please Type In Your Purchase Order Number….’} <textarea cols=“67” rows=“3” name=“msgText”></textarea> <input type=“hidden” name=“id_order” value=”{$order->id|intval}” > <input type=“submit” class=“button” name=“submitMessage” value=”{l s=‘Send’}”/> </form> Thank you in advance. Sub.
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