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  1. You can also use Flash multiple files uploader. It is an Open Source Edition http://quadroland.com/q_imageuploader/opensource/ You can set files filter there like (*.jpg, *.png, *.gif)
  2. http://quadroland.com/q_imageuploader/ - this one can upload images and put them into the folder. So you will have a link to it.
  3. Try Q-ImageUploader - it is bulk image uploader with: - multiple file selection - client side resize/rotate/reorder - thumbnails generating - adding desciption/tags - PHP integration http://quadroland.com/q_imageuploader/
  4. Take a look at Q-ImageUploader. It is Flash based uploader with - resize/rotate (on client side!) - multiple image selection functionality - thumbnail generating http://quadroland.com/q_imageuploader/
  5. Take a look at this Flash mass image uploader Q-ImageUploader Pro It is highly customizable and has features like client side resizing, rotating, compressing. Also you can add your own controls like (buttons, combo box, edit box etc) PHP and ASP examples provided
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