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  1. I have several buttons in a "backoffice" that agents have already signed into. the buttons pullup data based on that agen access code here are 2 examples: <span ><strong>Lead Details</strong><br> <a href="LeadSheet.php#disp">Click here</a> to see specific lead data THIS OPENS A LEAD SHEET PAGE FOR THE REP WHO IS SIGNED IN... <span ><strong>Change your profile</strong><br><a href="UserProfile.php#disp" >Click here</a> to change your profile THIS OPENS A PAGE TO CHANGE REP INFORMATION FOR THE REP WHO IS SIGNED IN... so what I need is a php page that will open a new web browswer from the store url in the database for that rep. I don;t know how to right the proper php to open in a new browser, with the url from the database
  2. Thank you, it gets me closer to what AI need... I have 9 different URLs which is why I need to have the address for the new web page that opens be pulled from the listed address in the mysql database. I have tried the code you sent, but the first part of the address is static, only the rep number changes., which based on what I originally typed is the answer. I need a complete url, which i have in the mysql database, be inserted thru the php script so that a new page opens. Can you advise?? thank you
  3. I need a php script that will pull the url address for a sales agent that I have already loaded into the mysql database. Right now, the web address is hard wired, here is the code: <?php $URL="http://www.bragdisc.com/OBC/OBC/"; header ("Location: $URL"); ?> instead of the actual web address, i need it to pull the specific url for the agen who has signed in. I see other coded php scripts here as LeadSheet.php#disp and assume the #disp opens the leadsheet for the rep displayed. I am a little lost here.
  4. LOL--you got it. tell me where to send payment.
  5. checked it by the only way I know how.. this line of code is a "button" on the web page, and it works takes user to new web site for logging in at www.bragdisc.com/OBC/------- and opens in a new page like it should. but I still can;t get the portion after the OBC/ to pull anything from the databse. whatever I type after the OBC/ shows up as typing in the address bar of the page it opens.
  6. Hi,Here is the part I think you are referring to. Again I apologize if this not the correct way you wanted it, but I put brackets around it. Short version is the line of code that won't work for me. I want the part after the OBC in the webaddress line to pull a code number from the mysqul database. Instead it just shows the stuff I have typed in. When I hard code a number from the database like 888280 the address works and take someone to that page. full working example is www.bragdisc.com/OBC/888280. [<a href=http://www.bragdisc.com/OBC/$access_code = $_GET['access_code]"; [<a href=http://www.bragdisc.com/OBC/$access_code = $_GET['access_code]"; target="_blank">Click here</a> to send an email guiding a prospect to the web version of your Presentation Disc's.</span><br>]
  7. Thank you both, but I am a total newbie. I don't even show 37 lines of code here, so still not sure who to fix the last part of the web address portion Thanks anyway.
  8. Thak you, I will try it and get back to you. Sorry for the confusing explaination.
  9. <img alt="" src="../images/a1.gif" style=" margin-right:10px; vertical-align:middle"><span ><strong>Send a Prospect Email</strong><br> <a href="http://www.bragdisc.com/OBC/$LeadID = $_GET['LeadID']"; target="_blank">Click here</a> to send an email guiding a prospect to the web version of your Presentation Disc's.</span><br> Hi the last part of the webaddress line should be the code number from the datase. it just shows up as it is typed here in the web address bar. what did I do wrong?
  10. Here is the line of code inside the php that is not working. explaination below. It opens in another window, and at the new website, but does not go to the proper subaccount which is the last part of the new web address. code for each subaccount is in the mysql database. <img alt="" src="../images/a1.gif" style=" margin-right:10px; vertical-align:middle"><span ><strong>Send a Prospect Email</strong><br> <a href="http://www.bragdisc.com/OBC/$LeadID = $_GET['LeadID']"; target="_blank">Click here</a> to send an email guiding a prospect to the web version of your Presentation Disc's.</span><br> <br style="line-height:12px"> I have a functioning PHP webpage, but coder has died. I added a button fronm the backoffice to take signed in agent to a new web page for a crm funtion. I loaded the crm software in sub accounts for each rep at the other web site. (www.domain.com/555 or www.domain.com/556, etc). the rep is already signed inot the backoffice with the code number. I nee the web address to be http://www.domain.com/(rep code from the mysqul database). whatever I type just shows up as typing in the web page location.instead of the agent code. help
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