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  1. After further testing, no part of the neobux.com is accessible by script / browser emulator. http://www.hashemian.com/tools/browser-simulator.htm Has anybody ever seen a site before that is perfectly functional in a browser and non-existent to a browser emulator?
  2. Cut on the question mark and then cut on the last period. $ext=array_pop(explode('.',array_shift(explode('?',$url))));
  3. You're wanting arbitrary number base conversion; in this case, base 10 <=> base 62. The source code for this functionality is available at: http://www.pgregg.com/projects/php/base_conversion/base_conversion.php ex: 1234567890987654321 (base 10) = 1TCKi2jjzdZ (base 62)
  4. Which 1 record contains the tally? Why do you assume that the 'post' field is a count of all posts made, rather than the post itself? Why would verdrm be asking how to find the biggest poster if it was a simple matter of sorting by the 'post' field? I stated to only pull the 'username' field because of efficiency. There is no need to pull the content when you are only interested in the count. This is a PHP problem, not a MySQL problem.
  5. Use an associative array to tally the records, then reverse sort the array while preserving the keys. $userposts=array(); $result=mysql_query ('select `username` from `table`'); while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) $userposts[$row['username']]++; arsort($userposts); list($user, $count) = each($userposts);
  6. 1) Yes, the first 4 characters will always be letters. 2) It may have different letters in the future. 3) No its not hex, this is just data that is stored in the database. Its just text. 4) The last 8 characters is always intended to be part of the string. The field in the database is VARCHAR(12) so it wont ever be longer that 12 characters. Given those conditions, substr is indeed the appropriate function. $letters=substr($lastADID,0,4); $numbers=substr($lastADID,4); To recombine later, simply put a '.' between them. Implode will work, but it is overkill for combining two pieces. $recombined=$letters.$numbers;
  7. My apologies for not clarifying that file_get_contents works for any other URL. I did try explicitly turning on the allow_url_fopen flag via htaccess & using the full fopen routine, with no change in result.
  8. The problem URL is [ http://www.neobux.com/rel/bl/?o=D4B44A9F3179942FCED0E440FF71F64F828DC2990AD18F9E ]. It can be accessed via a browser, however using file_get_contents returns the following error after timing out: "failed to open stream: HTTP request failed!" I've tried using cURL to mimic a browser, with no success. The URL loads perfectly fine on a machine that has never visited the neobux site, so it isn't a tracking issue of some type. Thank you for any insight into this perplexing issue.
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