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  1. I am trying to install Ultimate SEO URLs v2.7 (code added) - FullPackage (http://www.oscommerce.com/community/contributions,2823) add on to my Oscommerce/Cre Loaded based store. I am able to make all the changes required up to step#6, at which point I can't find the code mentioned in the file. This is also the case for step#7. I know Ultimate SEO URLs v2.7 is for OScommerce, but was told it could be installed on my store as well. I am attaching a file with the codes that I need to find (in both steps) and the codes in my original files, in the hope that someone may be able to figure out what to do! Thank you so so much! Ronny [attachment deleted by admin]
  2. It worked!!! You are a genius! Thank you so so much!!! Ronny
  3. Is this correct then? It didn't work either. I just copied and pasted the code I got for the live chat button and pasted it in between the two ' I had. Any idea? 'text' => '<!-- webim button --><a href="/webim/client.php?locale=en" target="_blank" onclick="if(navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().indexOf(\'opera\') != -1 && window.event.preventDefault) window.event.preventDefault();this.newWindow = window.open(\'/webim/client.php?locale=en&url='+escape(document.location.href)+\'&referrer=\'+escape(document.referrer), \'webim\', \'toolbar=0,scrollbars=0,location=0,status=1,menubar=0,width=640,height=480,resizable=1\');this.newWindow.focus();this.newWindow.opener=window;return false;"><img src="/webim/button.php?image=webim&lang=en" border="0" width="163" height="61" alt=""/></a><!-- / webim button -->' );
  4. Thanks Russell but unfortunately it didn't work :-( I now get this message: Parse error: syntax error, unexpected '=' in /home/nook/public_html/templates/default/boxes/custom.php on line 39
  5. I am a complete noobie... Hopefully you can help me figure out what I am doing wrong. I am trying to install a live chat feature (webim) to my online store. I created a new info box (which I have done many times before), and pasted the code I got, but I get the following error: Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_STRING, expecting ')' in /home/nook/public_html/templates/default/boxes/custom.php on line 39 Here is line 39: 'text' => '<!-- webim button --><a href="/webim/client.php?locale=en" target="_blank" onclick="if(navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().indexOf('opera') != -1 And here is the entire code: <?php /* Card Infobox, v 1.0 2002/12/04 by Kevin Park osCommerce http://www.oscommerce.com/ Copyright © 2000,2001 osCommerce Released under the GNU General Public License CRE Loaded , Open Source E-Commerce Solutions http://www.creloaded.com Chain Reaction Works, Inc Portions: Copyright © 2005 - 2006 Chain Reaction Works, Inc. Last Modified by $Author$ Last Modifed on : $Date$ Latest Revision : $Revision:$ */ ?> <!-- d Card Info Box //--> <tr> <td> <?php $info_box_contents = array(); $info_box_contents[] = array('align' => 'left', 'text' => '<font color="' . $font_color . '">' . BOX_HEADING_CUSTOM . '</font>' ); new infoBoxHeading($info_box_contents); $info_box_contents = array(); $info_box_contents[] = array('align' => 'center', // 'text' => tep_image(DIR_WS_IMAGES . '/cards/cards.gif') . //elari chanegd to provide a link to your payment acount 'text' => '<!-- webim button --><a href="/webim/client.php?locale=en" target="_blank" onclick="if(navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().indexOf('opera') != -1 && window.event.preventDefault) window.event.preventDefault();this.newWindow = window.open('/webim/client.php?locale=en&url='+escape(document.location.href)+'&referrer='+escape(document.referrer), 'webim', 'toolbar=0,scrollbars=0,location=0,status=1,menubar=0,width=640,height=480,resizable=1');this.newWindow.focus();this.newWindow.opener=window;return false;"><img src="/webim/button.php?image=webim&lang=en" border="0" width="163" height="61" alt=""/></a><!-- / webim button -->' ); new infoBox($info_box_contents); if (TEMPLATE_INCLUDE_FOOTER =='true'){ $info_box_contents = array(); $info_box_contents[] = array('align' => 'left', 'text' => tep_draw_separator('pixel_trans.gif', '100%', '1') ); new infoboxFooter($info_box_contents, '' ); } ?> </td></tr> <!-- d card_eof //--> Thank you in advance! Ronny
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