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  1. you should put email command into for loop!
  2. why are you waiting 5 seconds? Is your script throwing some error or doing something else?
  3. I'm not sure that I understand you but try to modify your echo to this echo "<td>$sent_time </td>";
  4. while ($travel1 = mysql_fetch_assoc($travel2) || $x < 5) {
  5. Encrypting source doesn't makes sense because user can see encrypted source. There's only possible to change music source dynamically every time user request page ...
  6. could you post your code
  7. $output = "30|24|17,5|4|20,15|13|33,15|22|33,9|20|22"; $string = "(" . str_replace(",", ") (", $output) . ")";
  8. <p>Which of the following best describes your religion:<br> <select name="religious"> <?php $arr = array(0 => "Non religious", 1=> "Christianity", 2=> ...); foreach($arr as $key => $val) { echo '<option ' . ($key == $religious ? 'selected="selected"' : "") . 'value="' . $key . '">' . $val . '</option>' } ?> </select></p>
  9. Have You tried Archive_Zip PEAR PHP class?
  10. what about? $rs=mysql_query("SELECT tblbusiness.*, tblsub.* FROM tblbusiness JOIN tblsub WHERE tblbusiness.category = tblsub.subsec AND tblsub.catid='$view' AND tblsub.subsec = '" . $rs["subsec"] . "'");
  11. You omitted $view = $_GET["view"];
  12. is this code part of a function that returns text?
  13. Is Your server on Windows, linux or some other OS?
  14. I droped: mysql_data_seek($result,$i);
  15. Object oriented code is harder (and slower) to write and sometimes is slower executed, but is easier to maintain, reuse and debug. It is also less error prone and easier to extend and scale ... If you don't see reason to write OO code it's better to write good procedural style instead of bad OO.
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