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Everything posted by phpdeveloper82

  1. Test page: http://livematrimony.com/dragdrop/index.php
  2. I wish to create an Interface to choose Multiple answers using Drag & Drop rather than CheckBox near to the answers. User can choose two types of answers (Real Answer and a Fake Answer). The User has Two Images (for Real & Fake) on the answer page. User can drag an Image and drop near to the selected answer. It is possible to change the selection by moving the "image and drop over some other answer". I have used a "div formatted with an image" near to all answers, so user can drop the image (ie fake or real image) over this "div". I have used JQuery to move the "image" and drop over the "div". Now I need add the code to the "div" (ie container used to hold the image) to identify which "image is placed over it" ie either "fake or real".
  3. Thank you. This will works
  4. I would like to hear from you about a friend finder method.. Suppose I have the Country, "City" and Zip Code of all persons.. how can I add a functionality to find people who are living around me ? like within 6 kms, 10 kms etc.. Does any website offer this ?
  5. ready to give the mobile to somebody who need it ?
  6. Thank you for your reply. But there are few things if goes advanced Ajax with JQuery on Zend Framework. But at the same time, we can develop ajax application easily as the same way we do in the in normal php coding. Steps: 1. Include jquery library in the layout 2. Create a Helper Class and include different js file to handle ajax request based on controller and function name or write the JQuery directly to the phtml page. I would like to share a good link with you: http://www.zendcasts.com/
  7. I don't know the step to show an image .. But you can create a Date Picker with JQuery easily. pls check the link: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1616857/best-way-to-start-using-jquery-in-a-zend-framework-1-9-application/2332904#2332904
  8. Thank you for your reply. I have searched on net the whole day and couldn't find any tutorial which helps me to do as I need. Also gone through the Decorator section in the ZF site also.
  9. Thank you for your help. Your code helps me to generate the form elements. I need to display all three "select" menus on the same row. Currently it returns like the format: <dt id="day-label"> <label for="day" class="required">Birthday:</label> </dt> <dd id="day-element"> <select name="day" id="day"> <option value="" label="Day:">Day:</option> <option value="0" label="1">1</option> </select> </dd> <dt id="month-label"> </dt> <dd id="month-element"> <select name="month" id="month"> <option value="" label="Month:">Month:</option> <option value="0" label="January">January</option> <option value="11" label="December">December</option> </select> </dd> <dt id="year-label"> </dt> <dd id="year-element"> <select name="year" id="year"> <option value="" label="Year:">Year:</option> <option value="0" label="1910">1910</option> </select> </dd> Please help me to change to the format: <dt id="day-label"> <label for="day" class="required">Birthday:</label> </dt> <dd id="day-element"> <select name="day" id="day"> <option value="" label="Day:">Day:</option> <option value="0" label="1">1</option> </select> <select name="month" id="month"> <option value="" label="Month:">Month:</option> <option value="0" label="January">January</option> <option value="11" label="December">December</option> </select> <select name="year" id="year"> <option value="" label="Year:">Year:</option> <option value="0" label="1910">1910</option> </select> </dd>
  10. Hello, I need help in building Form elements for the Birthday Input (Label: Birthday and Three select menus - Day, Month & Year). I don't get how can I build three select menus in the same line, as I am new to Zend Framework.. I need Birthday field must work same as of Facebook Sign Up page (http://facebook.com ) Thanks in advance for your help, guidelines & article links.
  11. I have started studying Zend Framework for my new project and now ready to start the work. But I didn't get much help in adding Ajax to Zend Framework. I am familiar with JQuery and wish to use the same on Zend Frame work also. Please send some good tutorials which helps me to understand the working of Ajax with Zend Framework.
  12. It is possible to create helper class to do this.. <?php class Zend_View_Helper_GetSiteUrl { function getSiteUrl() { $site_url = 'http://localhost/zend/'; return $site_url; } } But is there any issue of using this Helper Function in the Controller & Views like : <td><a href='<?php echo $this->getSiteUrl(); ?>pages/edit/id/<?php echo $this->id; ?>'>Edit</a> Inside the controller: $bugReportForm->setAction($this->view->getSiteUrl().'pages/edit');
  13. hello, I have started studying Zend Framework and have a doubt in creating urls. Suppose I am visiting a page: http://localhost/zend/bugs/page/1 (Using Pagination) then the edit will be like this: localhost/edit/1 So I wish to store the site url (http://localhost/zend/ ).. Any method is available in Zend for manage this ?
  14. hi, I would like to develop a site which has some features of facebook and in concept it is different.. I have searched and find out the opensource social networking packages in php like "Elgg & Buddy Press". Which is better to go with this opensource package or any frameworks like Zend to built a new Social Networking website ?
  15. Good to know that you have started preparing for Zend Certification. Yes. There are many advantage of getting certification. When I started my freelance works, the certification really helps me to find a good client. Some of the features from my personal views are: 1. You are certified from the Zend Inc, the php company. So you have the basic knowledge of php programming. 2. You are listed on Zend Yellow page, that means you have an identity on web. Nowadays anyone can create a personal website with few dollars. 3. PHP is very simple but beyond that simplicity, we have to consider about many kinds of security problems. The certification covers all such topics and you will get knowledge about that. And once you understand all these attacks and remedies, you can do better coding and thus improve your standards. One more suggestion is, if you are a fresh graduate, it is good to follow the certification guide but attend the exam after minimum of 1 Year industry experience. The question is not very simple for beginners.
  16. Great words!! I will keep these words in mind..
  17. Hello, I have lot of data on my website. what are the steps, I need to take to prevent a person or any scripts copying these data. I heard that, with a scrawler these data can be copy within minutes. I need to avoid such situations. Thank you
  18. Try the following: <?php session_start(); if($_POST) { $comfirm = $_POST['confirm']; if($comfirm) { $_SESSION['confirm'] = 1; } if($_SESSION['confirm']) { $session = "ok"; echo "im set!!"; } } ?> <form action="" method="POST"> <input type="hidden" name="confirm" value="yes" > <input style="margin-right: 5px; " type="submit" value="Confirm User"> </form>
  19. I found a nice package powered by wordpress .. buddypress (wordpress plugin for socail networking).. and you can find some good sites created by this plugin.. http://buddypress.org/ I just posted this comment for team members who are looking for a package like me.
  20. At the starting stage, you can develop on local machine and can use xampp package.. Its url is: http://www.apachefriends.org/en/xampp.html It contains everything needed to run a php page such as server (apache), mysql, phpmyadmin etc. Does the phpfreaks need to start a separate section in the forum for beginners ? With some video tutorials
  21. I wish to share one more link with you.. http://www.phpfreaks.com/tutorial/php-security/page6
  22. I have started to study php by myself with the help of "php bible".. http://www.amazon.com/PHP-Bible-2nd-Tim-Converse/dp/0764549553 Also downloaded xampp package and start with examples in the book.. Xampp package link is: http://www.apachefriends.org/en/xampp.html
  23. I have checked the software Dolphin, but it need to make payment for getting its license .. free edition has restrictions..
  24. thanks for your information. But I have not much balance in bank to invest ..I will find out other methods
  25. social networking site such as facebook will notify users instantly.. did they send more than 500 mails per hour?
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