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  1. Ah. Okay, it's official, my IQ is lower than the temperature of my room right now
  2. You actually can send a text message using email. Something like: <?php $number = '5255558794'; $num_suffix = 'txt.att.net'; mail($number . '@' . $num_suffix, 'Some Subject...', 'This is a SMS sent via the PHP mail() function.', 'From: Mr. Text <15735558372>'); All major carriers have some way of sending a text to a phone via an email address. Some simple googling will get you a list of them, and then you can obviously use a dropdown or something to have the user specify their carrier when they enter their number, or even do a lookup of the number. Oh, and that stuff isn't HTML, it's PHP
  3. Okay, well, like PFMaBiSmAd said, there are QUITE a few errors in your code. Namely, VALUES ('{$f_acc_h}', '{f_pass}', '{f_email_h}', '{f_flag}') should be: VALUES ('{$f_acc_h}', '{$f_pass}', '{$f_email_h}', '{$f_flag}') header('location: thankyou.php'); should be: header('Location: thankyou.php'); and <?php echo $server_name ?> should be: <?php echo $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME']; ?> Those are the first three that I found, but I'm sure there are more. I can't believe that you didn't get any php errors. Try adding this to the top of your file: error_reporting(-1); and then see what comes up.
  4. Ohhhhhhhhhh! How dumb of me Change: <select onselect="selectFunction(this.value)"> To: <select onChange="selectFunction(this.value)">
  5. As far as I know, it's okay to post links in this forum.
  6. Hmm, are you sure you copied everything exactly? I just tested it and it worked for me.
  7. Probar esta, (try this ) <script type="text/javascript"> function selectFunction(select_value) { if (select_value == 'Pay Per Slot') { document.getElementById('makenewtextbox').innerHTML = '<input type="text" name="textbox">'; } } </script> <select onselect="selectFunction(this.value)"> <option value="Basic">Basic</option> <option value="Profecional">Profecional</option> <option value="Gold">Gold</option> <option value="Pay Per Slot">Pay Per Slot</option> </select> <span id="makenewtextbox"></span>
  8. So...what does this actually do? Why do you need an array filled with random numbers from 1 to 10? Why not just echo rand(1, 10)?
  9. You could just set cookie, have it expire after 10 hours or something.
  10. <?php $price = array(5.70, 8.40, 1.30, 15.50, 10.10); $average = array_sum($price) / count($price);
  11. <form action= <?php echo $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']; ?> method="post"> <textarea name="new_comment" cols="100" rows="15"> Needs to be... <form action="<?php echo $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']; ?>" method="post"> <textarea name="new_comment" cols="100" rows="15">
  12. Yep, that will give you the most and least expensive prices.
  13. Separate the prices by dashes or commas: 1.10-1.15-2.50-3.45-7.10-8.90 Then... <?php $filename = "/usr/local/something.txt"; $handle = fopen($filename, "r"); $file = fread($handle, filesize($filename)); $prices = explode('-', $file); sort($prices); echo "Cheapest : \$" . $price[0] ; echo "<br/>\n"; echo "Most expensive : \$" . $price[count($price)-1]; ?>
  14. True, if something HAS to be validated. Usually it's just for the client's benefit "passwords, usernames, etc." If they turn off javascript, it's their loss.
  15. I think doing everything is discouraged in this forum, so I'll point you in the right direction. To check the input fields, you can use Javascript or PHP, but javascript is much easier. Google "javascript form validation". Then, google "submit button image" Finally, learn PHP and MySQL. That's going to be more in depth, and would basically require lessons if someone were to help you in this forum. Google PHP + MySQL.
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