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  1. thank you guys for your help
  2. how can I make functions on that,,to display the value of days in the dropdown box
  3. hi guys,,i had this problem,,I want to make a function for the days but the days has the equivalent values..... 1-Sunday 4-Wednesday 2-Monday 5-Thursday 3-Tuesday 6-Friday and 7-Saturday and also for the visibility 1-Active 2-Inactive No database had been query on it..So its just a function but the output would be the days and not the numbers.. hope you'll help me..
  4. hey guys,,I need some help on how to call the stored procedure using classes,, I have my weeklyevent.sql file that contains stored procedure.One of this is updating a record and this is code using my Inline sql code I want to use stored procedure on it..How to call that procedure?..If you request my copy of my Class I will post it..
  5. i have this date format 04:00 and I want to echo it to two drop down boxes, 04 for the first box and 00 for the second box by clicking the Edit button. The value 04:00 had been already display in the form page and I want it to be display on drop down boxes. my code is this.. Please help me
  6. yeah,,I did used the ReturnList function and it works..thank you
  7. i would suggest that you post it to Javascript category You will need javascript for this to make a clock like one on the ebay
  8. hi mark,,I really appreciate your effort to my problem..but i want to detail my problem to you.. this is My MysqlClass.php-- there are so many many functions on it but I only include the Function for combo box. I want to implemetn this to my weeklyevent.php and this is my originasl code without using the function FilList Please help me!
  9. function FillList ($sql, $selected=0) { $row = array(); $cnt = 0; $this->query_fill=new Query ($sql, $this->conn); $result=$this->query_fill->subExecute(); while ($row = mysql_fetch_row($result)) { $id = $row[0]; $name = $row[1]; $cnt += 1; if ($selected == $id) { echo "<OPTION value=$id selected>$name</OPTION>"; } else { echo "<OPTION value=$id>$name</OPTION>"; } } $this->query_fill->Free(); return $cnt;
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