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  1. It looks great, i will check it out and come back, ("YOUR MESSAGE HERE"), I still have to design the invitation message, and make it look like a website (HTML format). When I am done with the design, Do I copy the code and paste it instead of ("YOUR MESSAGE HERE")
  2. Yes please I would love that, at least i will get the idea
  3. Is this what you mean? http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb463989.aspx Or is this something else? Do you know where i can get examples ?
  4. I will google that right now and thanks, if i have something i will come back
  5. I only have one quick question and I hope someone will direct me to the right path. As we all know Facebook is very growing website, and i have noticed something that they use. When someone registers on their website, they ask you to log in to your e-mail and they try to find your friends based on who you have in your list. Now i am want to create something similar to that, but i really don't know how to start? I am not even sure if i need php to do that. When someone registers on my website, I want to let them invite all of their friends by sending them a message automatically so that they could come and register on my website too . How do i start? What is the idea here? Will i need php to do that ? I would love any help!
  7. This is what i understood. I change this $headers .='Bcc: $bcc' ."\r\n"; To this $bcc = $_POST['bcc']; Right! ;D And What do i change here $sent = mail($to, $subject, $message, $headers) ; do i keep it the same, because it didn't send a bcc it only sends one e-mail to $to I hope I am not given you a hard time!
  8. i'm sorry since that time i been trying and kept failing as i told you before i am just beginner, so please would you explain a little more. Maybe from you i will understand better, the website has too much things. what did you mean when you said Thanks again and i appreciate you time !
  9. oh okay thank you, i will see where i made my mistake. i know it has to do with strings and something like that. Searching for my error... Even though i wanted straight answer Thanks,
  10. you mean i change this $headers .= 'Bcc: $bcc' ."\r\n"; to $headers .= 'Bcc: $_POST['bcc']' ."\r\n";
  11. Hi guys, Well i would like to say i have very limited knowledge about php, "Just started learning." however here is what i want to make. I'm able to send mail to my e-mail, but i want to include bcc. i created a textfiled and named it bcc. Now when i open the page it sends an e-mail successfuly but the bcc is not working. it only sends to $to (whatever e-mail i put) , but the $bcc (won't send). Is it maybe i wrote it wrong. Where did i make my mistake? here is my code this is the bcc code $headers .= 'Bcc: $bcc' ."\r\n"; and this is the textfiled i have on my page <textarea name="bcc" id="bcc">[email protected]</textarea> so where did i make my mistake
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