I have a piece of code that is just not updating my SQL database. Its giving me a headache. I had success with it before, but not this time.
Here is my form tag
<form action="index.php?editsave=true" method="POST" enctype="multipart/form-data">
It also has a file upload, which is the only part that works...
Here is the PHP code for receiving the form:
("save_edit" is the name of the submit button)
if ($_POST['save_edit'])
saveEdit($_POST['id'], $_POST['imagelink'], $_POST['name'], $_POST['price'], $_POST['desc'], $_POST['imagewidth'], $_POST['imageheight']);
Which goes to a function called saveEdit:
function saveEdit($id, $imagelink, $name, $price, $desc, $imagewidth, $imageheight) {
$q = 'UPDATE main SET imagelink = "'.$imagelink.'", imagewidth = "'.$imagewidth.'", imageheight = "'.$imageheight.'", name = "'.$name.'", price = "'.$price.'", desc = "'.$desc.'" WHERE id = '.$id.'';
// Run query
$r = mysql_query($q);
My problem is that the above code does not update. The connection to the database works. The values from the form are saved to the correct variables. The value of q is in single quotes from my attempt to switch things around in case it worked when the double quotes didnt. Please help.
Edit: I forgot to mention I get no errors with
ini_set('display_errors', '1');.
I find myself looking at a blank page.