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Everything posted by chickenvindaloo

  1. Hi, this are some newbie questions, but I can't figure them out for the life of me. I have some code for a drop-down menu, but there are parts of the code I do not understand fully. here is the code, with my question as comments. <?php $Q1 = array( 1=>"What is your Mother's Maiden name?", 2=>"What is your Mother's Maiden name?" , 3=>"What is your Mother's Maiden name?" , 4=>"What is your Mother's Maiden name?" , 5=>"What is your Mother's Maiden name?" , 6=>"What is your Mother's Maiden name?" , 7=>"What is your Mother's Maiden name?" , 8=>"What is your Mother's Maiden name?" , 9=>"What is your Mother's Maiden name?" , 10=>"What is your Mother's Maiden name?" ); $Q1 = str_replace(" ", " ", $Q1); //why is this line necessary? $count = 1; echo '<SELECT name=Q1>'; foreach ($Q1 as $key => $value) { echo '<OPTION value='.$count.'> '.$value.' '; /* why is the . operator needed here for $count and $value? And why do we need the last set of single parenthesis after $value? */ $count++; } echo '</select>'; ?> Thank you very much for your time.
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