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Posts posted by jaco

  1. Hello everyone, this is a rather peculiar problem that I have been banging my head against for a while. I am using an MS database that has pump information, it is converted to a MYSQL database and stored on the server. I use a field of the db to populate an html select widget to select the country of origin this then is used to display more info. Here is a short part of the code that produces the error:


    // standard html web header
    require 'header.html';
    // html user data input form
    require 'dbpump.php';
    <font size="14"><b>PumP search</b></font>
    <br />
    <br />
    $query = "SELECT DISTINCT home_office FROM data ORDER BY home_office ASC";
    if(!($connection = @ mysql_connect($hostName,$username,$password)))
    die("Could not connect");
    //select database to edit
    if(!(@ mysql_select_db($databaseName, $connection)))
    if(!($result = @ mysql_query($query)))
    //required to recover from server the previous selection
    $headoffice = $_get['headoffice'];
    <form method="get" action="<?php echo $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']; ?>">
    <b>Home office country:</b>
    <select name="headoffice">
    <option value="All">All</option>
    //cycles through all the home office countries in db and lists them in the html select
    while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result))
    if ($headoffice == $row['home_office'])
    echo "<option SELECTED value=".$row['home_office'].">".$row['home_office']."</option>";
    echo "<option value=".$row['home_office'].">".$row['home_office']."</option>";
    } ///end while
    if ($headoffice == "New Jac territory") echo "<option SELECTED value=\"New Jac territory\">New Jac territory</option>";
    else echo "<option value=\"New Jac territory\">New Jac territory</option>";
    echo "</select>";?>
    <input type="submit" value="SEARCH">
    <br />
    <?php //echo $headoffice;?>
    <?php // standard html web page footer
    require 'footer.html';?>


    you run from this web site: http://www.pumpfunda...base2/test2.php


    What happens is when you select South Africa and you click the Search button, the get function will only transmit the first part of the term or "South" so that you can't do a match to display further information.


    I typed the country "New Jac territory" directly in the html as the last html select item to appear in the list; this has a couple of blanks and works fine. So it seems that html does not interpret correctly the value coming from the mysql db.


    I hope I explained this properly.





  2. Hi guys, thank for any help. This does not appear like a difficult problem but it has me stymied. I have several selects, the 1st item of each is "--Specify--" so that the user has to specifically choose an item. Once an item is selected on any select the others should be set to the 1st item or "--Specify--" to avoid confusion.


    If you want to see the complete code it on this web page: http://chordsandguitar.com/progressions-test.php


    The relevant code is:


    if ($prog1_menu != "--Specify1--")
     $prog2_menu = "--Specify--";
     echo "set prog2 to Specify"; 
    if ($prog2_menu != "--Specify2--")
     $prog1_menu = "--Specify--";
     echo "set prog1 to Specify"; 
    echo "<form action = \"progressions-test.php?s_sort_all=$sort_all&s_prog1_menu=$prog1_menu&s_prog2_menu=$prog2_menu&s_prog1_trigged=$prog1_trigged&s_prog2_trigged=$prog2_trigged\" method = \"GET\">";
    //also stores the values of the drop-downs when Select button is pushed so they can be retrieved when the web page is loaded again
    echo "                                                 Ascending bass line";
    echo "<br />";
    echo "Select a progression: <a href=\"http://www.chordsandguitar.com/progressions-test.php?s_sort_all=All&s_prog1_menu=--Select--&s_prog2_menu=--Select--\"\"><big>ALL</big></a>";
    echo "     ";
    echo "<select name=\"prog1_menu\"  onchange=\"this.form.submit();\">";
    echo "<option value=\"--Specify1--\">--Specify--</option>";
    if ($prog1_menu == "ii-iii-IV-V progression") echo	"<option SELECTED value=\"ii-iii-IV-V progression\">ii-iii-IV-V progression</option>";
    else echo	"<option value=\"ii-iii-IV-V progression\">ii-iii-IV-V progression</option>";
    if ($prog1_menu == "I-ii-IV-V progression") echo	"<option SELECTED value=\"I-ii-IV-V progression\">I-ii-IV-V progression</option>";
    else echo	"<option value=\"I-ii-IV-V progression\">I-ii-IV-V progression</option>";
    if ($prog1_menu == "I-iii-IV-V progression") echo	"<option SELECTED value=\"I-iii-IV-V progression\">I-iii-IV-V progression</option>";
    else echo	"<option value=\"I-iii-IV-V progression\">I-iii-IV-V progression</option>";
    echo  "</select>";
    echo "   ";
    echo "<select name=\"prog2_menu\" onchange=\"this.form.submit();\">";
    echo "<option value=\"--Specify2--\">--Specify--</option>";
    if ($prog2_menu == "I-sharpIo7-ii7-sharpIIo7 progression") echo	"<option SELECTED value=\"I-sharpIo7-ii7-sharpIIo7 progression\">I-#Io7-ii7-#IIo7 progression</option>";
    else echo	"<option value=\"I-sharpIo7-ii7-sharpIIo7 progression\">I-#Io7-ii7-#IIo7 progression</option>";
    if ($prog2_menu == "I-sharpIo7-ii7-V7 progression") echo	"<option SELECTED value=\"I-sharpIo7-ii7-V7 progression\">I-#Io7-ii7-V7 progression</option>";
    else echo	"<option value=\"I-sharpIo7-ii7-V7 progression\">I-#Io7-ii7-V7 progression</option>";
    echo  "</select>";
    echo "</form>";


    I am trying to identify which select box has been used so that I can set all the other boxes to the 1st item but I wind up re-setting all the boxes.





  3. Hi, I am just recently getting this error message:Warning: session_start() [function.session-start]: Cannot send session cookie - headers already sent by (output started at /home/XXX/chordsandguitar.com/index.php:46) in /home/jchords/chordsandguitar.com/index.php on line 48


    this is no doubt related to the fact that my site has been hacked along with 1000's of others that are on dreamhost. I don't know if it's related to php file permissions some of my files may have had had their permission set for read-write when they should not have been. They have all been changed to the more restrictive 755 or 644.


    So here is how I am using the session_start to store some variables:


    if (!isset($_SESSION["count"]))
    if ($_SESSION["count"] == 0)
    $scale_menu = 'C';
    $variation_menu = 'maj';
    $code_id = '1';
    //allows retreiving the value of the drop-downs after the Select button has been pushed
    // has to be skipped on the first access or overwrites starting vars. to null
    			 if (isset($_GET['s_menu']))
    	 $scale_menu = $_GET['s_menu'];
    	 $scale_menu = $_GET['scale_menu'];	


    So any ideas why I am getting this error?





  4. Right, I was trying to make it simple, but you're right. The data is file names that represent chords (see www.chordsandguitar.com). In the new version I am making which is still in test I am adding inversions which is another form of guitar chord based on a master chord. A chord can have 1, 2 or 3 inversions but sometimes there is no 2nd or 3rd inversion. When there is no inversion, it means there are no values in the db, so the chord name that I am looking for just does not exist. So in fact it is a null value but the mysqlfetcharray won't return a null value. I want to be able to skip the display of chords when the inversion does not exist therefore I need to detect a NULL value return which is my problem.


    I hope this is more clear.



  5. Hi, this is a question that may have been asked but a search does not reveal anything.


    I am trying to identify a null result from a select and mysqlfetcharray command, As we know mysql ignores null result from a SELECT command.


    Here is the code:


        $query = "SELECT * FROM chords_".$scale_menu."_2nd_inv WHERE int_number = $i AND sort_name = '$variation_menu'";

        //run the query on the server

        if (!($result = @ mysql_query ($query, $connection)))



        $row = mysql_fetch_array($result);

        //required to test for null value

        $query2 = "SELECT * FROM chords_".$scale_menu."_2nd_inv WHERE int_number = $i AND sort_name = '$variation_menu' IS NULL";

        //run the query on the server

        if (!($result2 = @ mysql_query ($query2, $connection)))



        $row2 = mysql_fetch_array($result2);

        echo $row;


        if (!isset($row2['file_name']))


            echo "there is no 2nd inversion for this chord";




        // do something else


        }  //end of while





    There are 2 SELECTS in a row, the second one tries to identify if the result is NULL and break out of the loop. But it doesn't work. Any ideas?






  6. If this works I should be able to refresh the web page and keep the selection value of the select.


    In other words, the page comes up for the fist time, I change the selection in the drop-down, this causes the select form to submit it's value to the server.


    When I hit the refresh button it checks to see if there is a value on the server and then provides that value to the select thereby preserving the memory of the change, is that correct?

  7. Hello everyone, I know this is probably an oft asked question but I have been struggling with it for quite some time. I have a web page that has select boxes for user input and of course select buttons that send the data to the server via url. I want the user to have the same page returned with new information based on his selection, see:




    Everything works fine except when you use the REFRESH or BACK button of the browser, this causes the data to be lost.


    What is the best way to solve this problem?





  8. Thank you very much, seems the problem was with the use of the singlw quote.


    The following mods. work:

    echo "<a href=\"test.php?p_type=$searchpumptype\">"."<b><big>Next </big></b></a>>";


    this works:

    echo "<a href=\"test.php?p_type={$searchpumptype}\">"."<b><big>Next </big></b></a>>";


    and this works:

    $value = urlencode($searchpumptype);
    echo "<a href=\"test.php?p_type={$value}\">"."<b><big>Next </big></b></a>>";

  9. Right you are Matthew. Here is a shortened version of the code that shows the behavior. The dropdown has two selections: a single word and a two word string with a blank space. If you select the single word and press the Display button you get it back as is. If you press the Next link you also get the word back as is. If you select the double word and press Next you get back the first part of the word only.



    // standard html web header
    require 'header.html';
    // html user data input form
    echo "<form action =". $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']." method = \"GET\">"; 
    if (isset($_GET['p_type']))
    	 $searchpumptype = $_GET['p_type'];
    	 $searchpumptype = $_GET['searchpumptype'];
    echo  "<br />";
    echo "searchpumptype is: ".$searchpumptype;
    echo  "<br />";
    echo "<b>Pump type</a>: ";
    echo "<select name=\"searchpumptype\">";
    if ($searchpumptype == "bellows") echo  "<option SELECTED value=\"bellows\">bellows</option>";
    else echo	"<option value=\"bellows\">bellows</option>";
    if ($searchpumptype == "centrifugal horiz") echo	"<option SELECTED value=\"centrifugal horiz\">centrifugal horiz</option>";
    else echo	"<option value=\"centrifugal horiz\">centrifugal horiz</option>";
    echo  "<br />";
    echo "<input type=\"submit\" value=\"Display\" title =\"Hit this button whenever you change any of the above\">";
    echo "</form>";
    echo '<a href=test.php?p_type=' . $searchpumptype .'><b><big>Next </big></b></a>>';
    // standard html web page footer
    require 'footer.html';


    You can run the script on my web site here:





  10. Hello everyone, I am having a problem with a pagination script to be used to display table results.


    The script for the Next button reads like this:

    echo '<a href=http://www.lightmypump.com/pumpdatabase2/return-pump-pagination.php?s='. ($start + $display) . '&cp=' . ($current_page+1) . '&p_type=' . $searchpumptype .'><b><big>Next </big></b></a>>';</big></b></a>>';


    this basically is a link to the same page with some variables sent to the server and recalled using:


    if (isset($_GET['p_type']))

    $searchpumptype = $_GET['p_type'];


    $searchpumptype = $_GET['searchpumptype'];


    the problem is some of these variables are 2 words separated by a blank space such as "centrifugal horiz."


    The var. that is returned by the server  for p_type is "centrifugal" it omits the second word and this screws things up.


    I am now thinking of very complicated ways to eliminate the blank space and then add it back later.


    But maybe there is a simple solution?



  11. I belive I have foound the solution. I needed to GET the var. in return.php.


    the correct code is:






    $ch_leg = $_GET["ch_leg"];

    $_SESSION["ch_leg"] = $ch_leg;


    echo "<html>";

    echo "<head>";

    echo "<body>";


    echo "the value of session(ch_leg) is ".$_SESSION["ch_leg"];

    echo  "<br />";


    echo  "<br />";


    echo  "<br />";

    echo "count= ".$_SESSION["count"];


    echo "<form action = \"test.php\">";

    echo  "Modifies number of pump data fields displayed ";

    echo "<input type=\"submit\" value=\"Modify Display\">";

    echo "</form>";


    echo "</html>";

    echo "</head>";

    echo "</body>";




    and test.php:




    echo "<html>";

    echo "<head>";

    echo "<body>";



    if (!isset($_SESSION["count"]))



    $ch_leg = "on";

    $_SESSION["ch_leg"] = "on";


    else  //session exists



    $ch_leg = $_SESSION["ch_leg"];


    echo "count =".$_SESSION["count"];


    echo  "<br />";

    echo "the value of ch_leg is = ".$ch_leg;

    echo "<FORM NAME =\"form2\" METHOD =\"GET\" ACTION =\"return-test.php\">";


    echo "<INPUT TYPE = \"Submit\" Name = \"results\" VALUE = \"Go to RESULTS page\">";

    if ($ch_leg == "on")

    echo "<Input type = \"Checkbox\" checked Name =\"ch_leg\">Legacy brand";


    echo "<Input type = \"Checkbox\" Name =\"ch_leg\">Legacy brand";

    echo "</FORM>";


    if ($_SESSION["count"] > 0)

    $_SESSION["ch_leg"] = $_GET["ch_leg"];




    echo "</html>";

    echo "</head>";

    echo "</body>";





  12. Hello everyone, I have been banging my head on this topic and reduced the problem to 2 short example html pages. What I am trying to do is make sure that the status of a checkbox is maintained across 2 pages and that variables are passed from one page to the other.


    In the example code the first page (test.hp) allows the setting of a checkbox. When the submit button is pressed it calls the second (return-test.php) page where echo commands show if the variable has crossed to the page correctly. The submit button on this page returns to the 1st page.


    What is happening is that when the checkbox is checked after being unchecked the variable does not get transfered to the 2nd page but the first cycle of check and uncheck works fine, Son of a gun...


    Thanks fro any help, here is the code:







    echo "<html>";

    echo "<head>";

    echo "<body>";




    if (!isset($_SESSION["count"]))



    $ch_leg = "on";

    $_SESSION["ch_leg"] = "on";






    echo "count =".$_SESSION["count"];


    if ($_SESSION["count"] > 0)

    $ch_leg = $_SESSION["ch_leg2"];

    echo  "<br />";

    echo "the value of ch_leg is = ".$ch_leg;


    echo "<FORM NAME =\"form2\" METHOD =\"GET\" ACTION =\"return-test.php\">";

    echo "<INPUT TYPE = \"Submit\" Name = \"results\" VALUE = \"Go to RESULTS page\">";

    if ($ch_leg == "on")

    echo "<Input type = \"Checkbox\" checked Name =\"ch_leg\" value =\"legacy_brand\">Legacy brand";


    echo "<Input type = \"Checkbox\" Name =\"ch_leg\">Legacy brand";

    echo "</FORM>";


    if ($_SESSION["count"] > 0)

    $_SESSION["ch_leg"] = $_GET["ch_leg"];



    echo "</html>";

    echo "</head>";

    echo "</body>";




    and return.hp:






    $ch_leg2 =$_SESSION["ch_leg"];

    $_SESSION["ch_leg2"] = $ch_leg2;


    echo "<html>";

    echo "<head>";

    echo "<body>";


    echo "the value of session(ch_leg) is ".$_SESSION["ch_leg"];

    echo  "<br />";

    echo "the value of ch_leg2 is ".$ch_leg2;

    echo  "<br />";

    echo "the value of SESSION(ch_leg2) is ".$_SESSION["ch_leg2"];

    echo  "<br />";

    echo "count= ".$_SESSION["count"];


    echo "<form action = \"test.php\">";

    echo  "Modifies number of pump data fields displayed ";

    echo "<input type=\"submit\" value=\"Modify Display\">";

    echo "</form>";


    echo "</html>";

    echo "</head>";

    echo "</body>";








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