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  1. "play_" is correct with what he said, all my html is done and now i need help with my php scripts to make my site functional. I am sorry i gave little detail so this is exactly what i want: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1. I want a login/register system that works and saves users, ID Number, username, password, and email. 2. i want each user that registers to receive there own profile page where they have there account data, such as points earned, username, refferal. 3. i would like refferals so every time somebody registers under a users refferal link there points go up. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ So that is pretty much it and i hope somebody can help me out on this.
  2. Hey everybody i need some help cause im completely lost. You see im working on a website and i ahve all the HTML down and finished but now im having trouble with the php scripts such as the register.php and the config.php and i would like to add some other things i don't know what are called. So i was wondering if somebody could help me out here. Please and thank-you!
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