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Everything posted by wafflechunk

  1. I recently added a new opening page that shows the latest games, videos and images added. I'm hoping that this page will give visitors a better idea of what the site is for. What do you guys think?
  2. I managed to clear all errors . It was a lot easier than I thought it was going to be. http://validator.w3.org/check?uri=http://www.wafflechunks.com I was pretty amazed how many errors 1 tag or even 1 character can make. I get one error when trying to validate CSS: http://jigsaw.w3.org/css-validator/validator?profile=css3&uri=http://www.wafflechunks.com Other than the line its directing me to, I'm not sure what exactly I need to fix.
  3. Thanks for the input. I tried making the logo at the top bigger (maybe easier to read?). Or is the images inside the lettering that makes it hard to read? Thanks for the input. I found some better icons for the "Share this Page" panel. I was originally using the ones that came with the addon. The person that also wrote the addon put spaces on each side of the image inside the link, which is why the blue bar was there. I fixed that too. I realize the statistics isn't the most appealing, which is why it's toward the bottom. Would it look better if I broke em up and put each one in their own panel? When you say the "scroll in the center", do you mean the News Ticker? The only thing that's bugging me about that is that the panel resizes every time. At some point I'm gonna try and keep it a set height.
  4. Thanks for the response, it's certainly still a work in progress, I've only begun putting everything up about a month ago. Most of the layout is part of the PHP-Fusion package, some addons/mods and theme. My skill level with PHP/HTML/CSS is slightly above beginner. I can look at some code and usually figure out what it's doing and sometimes I can tweak it to make it look the way I want, but major modifications or even writing pages from scratch is probably still a ways down the road. I did come across a site that shows me all my validation errors & warnings (all 300-400 or so, heh), so I'll probably be working on that for a while. I have been thinking that I need something better for an opening page that tells visitors what the site is about (it's basically a collection of interesting videos, pictures, and games that my friends and I have come across over the years). I really do appreciate the input, thanks again!
  5. Outside of adding new content on a regular basis, I think I almost have my site the way I want it. I got all the bugs I'm aware of worked out. Probably the things I am most unsure about is the the order in which some links are displayed and also the order of the side panels on the right side of the page. I'm open to any and all criticism. Some things to note: Banner Ads (top and left) are hidden for registered users that are logged in. Registered users have the ability to submit additional content: Videos, Images, News, and Links http://www.wafflechunks.com Thanks for your time!
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