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  1. Thaks and i ment using mail() just as posted above.. And to add variables to it I only and $var where i want the variable to appear? thanks
  2. I want to send an HTML Email.. how to do so.. The email will contain some vars, images and texts sample image: http://themetalx.com/help.jpg Thanks in advance
  3. That should dp the trick.. You helped Thanks
  4. of cource they be auto increment.. but i didn't get your code. From what i could understand that we are selecting all from users as u and items as i but the where indicates u.id=id! Now this will return back all items in the table userItems because the table items contain a list of all the items! and table useritems contain all items chosen by different users! I want to fetch items for a specific user $user How to modify the code?
  5. I am thinking if doing the following 1 table for users: ID username password.... 1 table for items ID item desc image.... 1 table for userItems ID itemID userID To retrieve info i can use this method: $query = "SELECT * FROM userItems WHERE ID = '$userID' " ; $results = mysql_query($query); echo "xml=<?xml version=\"1.0\"?>"; echo "<items>"; while($line = mysql_fetch_assoc($results)){ echo "<val>". $line["itemID"] . "</val>"; } echo "</items >"; Now i want to retrieve items info from the table items I send item ID to a php file and do the following code $query = "SELECT * FROM userItems WHERE ID = '$userID' " ; $results = mysql_query($query); echo "xml=<?xml version=\"1.0\"?>"; echo "<items>"; while($line = mysql_fetch_assoc($results)){ echo "<val>". $line["ID"] . "</val>"; echo "<val>". $line["item"] . "</val>"; echo "<val>". $line["image"] . "</val>"; } echo "</items >"; This might work but if u can see i first fetch the items for a user, send them to my website(flashBased) then flash send for each item its id to php and retrieves its info I was wondering is there a way to do all this all in 1 php file other than this way?: $query = "SELECT * FROM userItems WHERE ID = '$userID' " ; $results = mysql_query($query); echo "xml=<?xml version=\"1.0\"?>"; echo "<items>"; while($line = mysql_fetch_assoc($results)){ $query2 = "SELECT * FROM userItems WHERE ID = '$userID' " ; $results2 = mysql_query($query2); echo "<item>"; while($line = mysql_fetch_assoc($results2)){ echo "<val>". $line["ID"] . "</val>"; echo "<val>". $line["item"] . "</val>"; echo "<val>". $line["image"] . "</val>"; } echo "</item >"; } echo "</items >"; Any suggestions or am i on the right track?
  6. Lets say we have a website where users register and some items to their collection IS it better to have a table for each user that contains items he adds for example a table named [username/id]_items and inside this table we have a list items: itemID itemDesc or we have a global table named userItems And in this table we have the item and which user chose it itemID itemDesc user Now when we want to retrieve what the user chose: case 1: we select * from [username/id]_items case 2: We select * where user=specificUser from userItems I'd go for the second method for if we want to add a new property to the item chosen we simply add a new field to 1 table (global table userItems) rather than modifying each user table! But then lets say we have thousands of entries in this table... will the query(retrieving items of a spesific user) take time? Is the user going to wait much longer to check his inventory(where a list of his items are stored) Which way is it better. Method 1 or method 2 If method 1 is there a way of modifing a set of tables that end with _items
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