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Posts posted by awakedesignstudios

  1. I have a joomla site, and I have another site that is fully dependent on its internal php functions.


    (Im using Joomla for site design reasons, and Im using cashcrusader script for its php functions I need)


    currently im displaying php-program inside joomla using wrapper iFrames...


    My question is, can I get php code that works for the php program, to work inside a joomla custom html module.


    For example, I have a mysite.com/joomla, and I have a mysite.com/php-site


    i have an index.php file on php-site, that includes functions from imported php file

    I want to make a custom html module in joomla, and copy my index code from php-site, into joomla, and have it operate the same way as if it was running straight from the php-site..


    if that makes sense to u, and u have any idea of how to do this please help..



    one solution i think may work is this...


    install joomla,

    then install php-program inside joomla directory.


    then make custom html module, and copy exact code from php-program, but tell it to include the functions from /php-program/ directory which would be inside joomla directory.


    seems like that would work, but im no php guru, any help is appreciated.  and i have no tried this yet.

  2. so use a form?  doesnt that mean the very next page has to be the link one?  if im going to use the username var on different pages, will POST remember?  someone on another forum suggested i use cookies to store the username.  im using this in joomla, so i think i have the edit the built in login module to track the username coookie somehow, not sure how yet though.  do u know anything about customizing joomla and its extensions?

  3. so $_SESSION would be the variable thats storing the username? or username storing the variable, and $_SESSION is inputting it into the link?  im new to this php world....somehow i need to store a variable based on the user that is logged in, and pass the user variable into the link when its clicked...so if

    print '<a href="http://domain/page.php?user=' . $_SESSION['username'] . '">click</a>';

    puts the username into the link, how would i store the user variable in the first place?

  4. hi world, im new to php so bare with me.  a site im developing requires the ability to pass a variable to a link when its clicked.  what i mean by this is when a link is clicked, php grabs a variable and sticks it in the link, for tracking which user logged into my site clicked the link.

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