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Posts posted by TLaude

  1. require_once('class.configuration.php');


    Whats the difference between this and the following:




    I'm assuming the first one will pull in the variables from the class itself?

  2. class Configuration {
        const DB_HOST = 'host';
        const DB_USERNAME = 'username';
        const DB_PASSWORD = 'password';
        const DB_NAME = 'name';
    class Database {
        protected $_host = null;
        protected $_username = null;
        protected $_password = null;
        protected $_name = null;
        public function __construct() {
            $this->_host = Configuration::DB_HOST;
            $this->_username = Configuration::DB_USERNAME;
            $this->_password = Configuration::DB_PASSWORD;
            $this->_name = Configuration::DB_NAME;


    I need them in DIFFERENT files.

  3. Here is what I'm trying to accomplish.


    I need a file (const_values.php) to store primary values that will allow me to use them all over my website while having the values originate in 1 location so if the value ever changes, I can just change it in the 1 spot.


    Then, once const_values.php is set up, how would I go about calling it into my functions.php page?


    Here is what I am thinking, but I'm not sure how well it is going to work.


    // const_values.php
    class const_values
      function const_values()
        define(DB_HOST, '***');
        define(DB_USER, '***');
        define(DB_PASS, '***');


    // functions.php
    var $dbhost;
    var $dbuser;
    var $dbpass;
    $this->dbhost = const_values->DB_HOST;
    $this->dbuser = const_values->DB_USER;
    $this->dbpass = const_values->DB_PASS;
    class database
      functions dbConnect()
        mysql_connect($this->dbhost, $this->dbuser, $this->dbpass)


    Am I close or am I far off? ;)

  4. Thanks you two. I was hoping I would be able to use a constants.php so I don't have important values like database connection info scattered. I would like to be able to just change it in 1 place (constants.php) and everything will work.


    I will use your tips and try to mesh it with mine.


    Thanks folks!

  5. $this->$conn = mysql_connect($dbhost, $dbuser, $dbpass) or die("Could not connect to server.");


    doesn't work because it doesn't know the values $conn, $dbhost, $dbuser, $dbpass



    What am I doing wrong that it is not pulling the values of $dbhost, $dbuser, $dbpass from the constants.php file?


    $this->$dbselect = mysql_select_db($dbname, $conn) or die("Could not connect to the database.");


    should be:


    $this->$dbselect = mysql_select_db($dbname, $this->$conn) or die("Could not connect to the database.");


    but again it doesn't know the value of $dbselect and $this->$conn


    Good catch on the $this->$conn. Completely missed it.


    So.. How can I go about making sure $conn and $dbselect have a value?


    Like this at the class level?:

    var $conn;
    var $dbselect;

  6. I'm a VB.NET programmer, but trying to get into PHP to broaden my knowledge. I'm doing a simple registration / login site just to get my hands on it.


    The issue I am having is the registration is not completing. I have a feeling it is the way I am connecting to the database but can't seem to figure out where my error is.


    Here is what I have.



    						$sql = "INSERT INTO users (Username, Password, Email, FullName) VALUES ($username, $password, $email, $name)";
    						$this->dbConnect('login') or die("Could not connect to server.");
    						$this->dbQuery($sql) or die("Could not query the database.");




    class database
    // Each time this class is called, it will connect to the database
    function __construct()
    // Creates a connection to the database
    function dbConnect($dbname)
    	$this->$conn = mysql_connect($dbhost, $dbuser, $dbpass) or die("Could not connect to server.");
    	$this->$dbselect = mysql_select_db($dbname, $conn) or die("Could not connect to the database.");
    // Closes database connection if a connection is currently set
    function dbClose()
    // Query's the databases
    function dbQuery($sql)
    	$result = mysql_query($sql);
    	return $result;
    function dbNumRows($result)
    	$rows = mysql_num_rows($result);
    	return $rows;


    ^^ $dbhost, $dbuser, $dbpass all come out of the constants.php file




    define($dbhost, 'localhost');
    define($dbuser, 'root');
    define($dbpass, '');


    Anyone able to point me in the direction of my error?

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