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  1. Hi all. I have a web server running on an ubuntu linux system. But as I thought today I just realized I know next to nothing about characters which are legal in naming directories. Searching didn't help in the sense that I don't even know if there is a difference between the restrictions of folder names on the web and folder names on a local machine. Basically I am asking: -What characters are allowed when naming a directory? Punctuation? Standards Symbols? Chinese? These "pictures": ☺ (side question: what are these types of characters referred to as officially)? ™∞§¶¡•£ªº©´†œ¥? etc -Even if they are allowed, should I not use them? And why? -Can all of these legal characters be stored in a MySQL database? -Are different browsers not able to access the folders with certain characters? -What is the max folder name length? -Do all of these questions vary for whatever OS you are hosting on? The reason I ask such a question is that Id like users to be able to create folders on the site based on a string they type in, but I have no idea which characters to restrict. Thanks! I know this is a lot, sorry.
  2. I did not see an edit/modify button for the original post. More info: domain.com/unknowndirname/unknownsubdirname// and domain.com//unknowndirname/unknownsubdirname/ would not work because of the // domain.com/unknowndirname/unknown.subdirname/ would not work because of the illegal character . domain.com/unknowndirname/unknownsubdirname.php would not work because of the file extension.
  3. Hello all. New to regex... Could you all help me with the following? Im doing a rewrite rule where if someone accesses one of the following: domain.com/unknowndirname with nothing following domain.com/unknowndirname/unknownsubdirname with nothing following domain.com/unknowndirname/ (trailing slash, but nothing following) domain.com/unknowndirname/unknownsubdirname/ (trailing slash, but nothing following) etc etc but for an unlimited amount of sub directories. But the directories don't necessarily exist. It will move to another location. Could someone help with the regex required for this? Thank you!
  4. Okay cool thought htaccess might work (or the server config file) just wanted to make sure that wasn't a dumb way to do it. Thanks a lot man! Edit: Thanks for the link Mr adam. One more thing though, will search engines index the static urls (even though they don't actually exist physically)?
  5. Hello all. Let's say I have the url domain.com How would I go about having it so that when a user goes to domain.com/folder/subfolder where folder/subfolder does not exist it instead outputs the page domain.com/page.php?path=folder/subfolder but while still having folder/subfolder in the address bar? Im sure there are many ways to do it, but I am just looking for the best way. Thanks!
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