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  1. Bump, still need help
  2. I am trying to create an input sheet with Microsoft Excel 2007, ive made the input sheet but how can i make it store the data which has been input on a separate sheet. E.G. Sheet1 Name: #### Age: ##### Sheet2 Name: -#### -#### Age: #### #### #### So i want the input results to be stored in a table on sheet 2, any help?
  3. Dear Members, I am looking for a free script where i can provide free sub domains and hosting, i already have a root domain + hosting plan, i was wondering if there was a free script where people can register a sub domain from my domain and my webhost host's there domain and if they can acsess it at the same time. E.g. My domain is IKRAM.com and i need a script so someone can register THERENAME.IKRAM.com and they can have full rights to control only that subdomain, is there such free script can do this? if so please provide the link to me. Regards, Ikram
  4. When you say - "It's also what it takes to maintain and support it." Both SMF and VB have great support and many features considering SMF is free i think it's pretty good, i just dont like VB due to the fact it's a hassle even installing modifications etc, but i guess thats just my opinion.
  5. Ikram

    What is XML?

    Maybe this would be of more use: http://www.w3schools.com/xml/default.asp By the way what exactley are you trying to do?
  6. I think SMF is very user-friendly and there is no cost involved i think it's perfect for this site.
  7. You may use this and edit the values: <?php echo "<form id=\"form1\" name=\"form1\" method=\"post\" action=\"\">\n"; echo " <select name=\"select\">\n"; echo " <option>1</option>\n"; echo " <option>2</option>\n"; echo " <option>3</option>\n"; echo " </select>\n"; echo "</form>\n"; echo "</body>\n"; echo "</html>\n"; ?>
  8. Ikram

    What is XML?

  9. The link you have provided doesnt actually work so i dont see how we can help you, in future it helps if you put your code in BBcode tags, it just makes it much easier to read.
  10. Yeh sure, there are a limited amount of tutorials located there but how can members teach there own content related to PHP or whatever, i personally think there should be a board where users can submit there own tutorials and other members can actually learn new things. Regards, Ikram
  11. Dear members, I think there should be a tutorial section where members get the chance to teach other members, therefore people can actually learn new things. These tutorial sections should be added for Php or General Programming. Regards, Ikram
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