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  1. Well, i could get a string format of the polygon vertices using: SELECT cast(AsText(g) as char) AS points FROM geom
  2. Hi, i have created a table in mysql to store polygon data: CREATE TABLE geom (g GEOMETRY); And i inserted a polygon into it, using the following syntax: INSERT INTO geom (g) VALUES(PolygonFromText('POLYGON(( 9.190586853 45.464518970, 9.190602686 45.463993916, 9.191572471 45.464001929, 9.191613325 45.463884676, 9.192136130 45.463880767, 9.192111509 45.464095594, 9.192427961 45.464117804, 9.192417811 45.464112862, 9.192509035 45.464225851, 9.192493139 45.464371079, 9.192448471 45.464439002, 9.192387444 45.464477861, 9.192051402 45.464483037, 9.192012814 45.464643592, 9.191640825 45.464647090, 9.191622331 45.464506215, 9.190586853 45.464518970))') ); Now how can i get back the vertices (points) of this polygon in mysql? Why i am asking means, later i want to find whether a point is inside a polygon. And to achieve this, i hope i need the polygon vertices
  3. Finally i realised that my php is installed as CGI. So it wont work directly. Had referred to http://www.besthostratings.com/articles/http-auth-php-cgi.html and now i got the username and password values in $_SERVER array.
  4. Hi, iam working on a curl based authentication and iam sending a curl request to one of my pages, like this: <?php $ch = curl_init("http://localhost/test.php"); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1); curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_HTTPAUTH, CURLAUTH_BASIC); curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_USERPWD, 'myuser:mypwd'); // sending username and pwd. curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, false); curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION, true); curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_USERAGENT, 'Sample Code'); curl_setopt($curl, CURLINFO_HEADER_OUT, true); $output = curl_exec($ch); print_r(curl_getinfo($ch)); curl_close($ch); echo '<br><br>'; echo $output; ?> But in my test.php page, iam not able to get the username and password values, in $_SERVER array. What could be the problem?
  5. Hi, i came across this tool, and hope it satisfies my purpose. Server2Go is a Webserver that runs out of the box without any installation and on write protected media. This means that web applications based on Server2Go can be used directly from cdrom, a usb stick or from any folder on a hard disk without the hassle of configuring Apache, PHP or MySQL. Server2Go allows you to create a standalone working web site or PHP application on a CD-ROM.
  6. Yes, GTK is not a compiler. But then i need to develop the application from scratch using it. So that option can be removed.
  7. Yes, i want it all as a stand alone app. Iam considering few options like PHP Dock _http://www.nusphere.com/products/phpdock.htm and PHP GTK http://www.mithril.ca/code/php-gtk+/mp3_gtk/ and Bambalam extension http://www.bambalam.se/bamcompile/ Dont know which one to go ahead with....
  8. Hi, thanks for your replies. Here, iam also planning to use sQLite for developing the application, instead of MySQL. But what my intention is that i want my application to be converted into a .exe file, such that the application can be run wven without the web browser. I heard about the Bambalam extension, but not sure about it. Please advise.... Thanks.
  9. Hi all, i have developed a php-mysql web application, which is a school based project. My client wants the this application to be converted into a .exe file such that it can be installed on his desktop and use it. How can the php website can be converted to a .exe file and can it be run without the need of a database/server software ? Please advice.
  10. Yes, i agree to that. But there must be some other way of disabling firebug, if not from the php code. Please let me know, if there is any other way of identifying and disabling firebug.
  11. Hi, I am working on writing a Java Script to disable firebug. Firebug is causing problems for the application i had written for Bebo. But i believe Bebo framework doesnt allow us to execute our own plain java scripts, like: if(window.console.firebug) alert("Firebug found");. Can anyone suggest how to overcome this issue ? Is there any PHP code for disabling firebug in firefox? Thanks in advance.
  12. Hi, iam working on a Bebo application, developed on PHP and SNJS (Social Network Javascript). My issue is that iam not able to run a plain javascript that opens a popup window, like: window.open(). Does anyone have an idea of how to run the javascript on Bebo ? Please advice me.
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