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About shane18

  • Birthday 08/08/1991

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  1. If you were using Arial font, and you had a 239x44 pixel box... how would u go about making sure users weren't able to enter something that would break the box?
  2. There is a problem! there are many ways if the user posts a long status it can break it! You did simple small posts..
  3. that is because i made sure the text i entered for the example wouldn't surpass the given space... go to http://www.oddim.com/ and login as test/test and post status updates in many different ways... and see how it bugs out...
  4. The image describes my problem. Any help is greatly appreciated
  5. True, i have a perfectionist problem :/
  6. nice idea man
  7. Thanks for the idea, but that is not exactly what i need... i need something that can measure the length of my string in pixels...
  8. xcandiottix, thats a good idea but what if it doesn't surpass the allowed space and doesn't need the ... then its gona be their for no reason..
  9. But you have no (or very little) control over what typeface the browser will use. If the user does not have Arial on their machine installed, then an entirely different font may be used. I understand this, but that is their problem... I'm making it work for people who use Firefox, and have Arial font installed on their system.
  10. I just want to make it so if a user DOESN'T force the browser to display the text in a different way... the text will fix the 245x41 div box... i use arial font and i like it and limiting the amount of text allowed by characters isn't good enough cuz arial isn't a monospace font which means w isn't the same width as W or a... etc.... any ideas??
  11. So basically there is only one way to completely make sure your text limit fits the space provided perfectly... and that is combining a mono space font with a max character limit... right? if that is right that sucks for the fact that you're limited to a few mono space type fonts....
  12. More less, the only way to perfectly limit text so that it doesn't surpass the given space is to limit the characters and use a mono space font?
  13. Well how do big companies like Facebook, and MySpace do it?
  14. Thanks for the great idea, but is there any other way to use the font I want and still make it work?
  15. How can you make it so if your text surpasses the space allowed... it will cut it and add the usual three dots... like "I went to six flags today and it..." limiting the characters doesn't work cuz if 20 W's can fill the space... you shouldn't limit it to 20 cuz 20 a's would only take half the space and it would look awkward if you know what im getting at... is there a standard way of doing this? Thanks
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