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Everything posted by shane18

  1. shane18


    if i base correctness off the standards.. then my code is correct and IE just fails like always right? lol
  2. shane18


    so technically... my code is correct.. IE just fails at standards?
  3. shane18


    does anyone know why this is not displaying right in every browser? is it my fault or are they just not following the standards??
  4. shane18


  5. shane18


    http://www.oddim.com/ See how on FF and some versions of IE all 3 boxes are lined up? well in google chrome and some versions of IE the middle one is higher than the rest... is this my fault or their fault?
  6. I noticed if I have Firefox scale a 500x500 image to 40x40 it looks shitty.... but if i re size the image to 50x50 then have firefox scale it to 40x40 or 22x22 it looks sharp... why?
  7. shane18


    Why can`t you absolutely position stuff in a static positioned div? whats the point.... I can center my div with margin: auto; and make it 30px from the top like margin-top: 30px; i don`t need to put position: relative; to make that work but cuz of the stupid standards i gota write that so my absolute divs position themselfs relative of the centered div... is there a reason behind this?
  8. shane18


    i put overflow: hidden; to stop margin collapsing... the borders are only there temporarily... ur solution didn't fix the problem...
  9. shane18


    http://md.oddim.com/ To view it...
  10. shane18


    <div style="overflow: hidden; border: 1px dotted #FFFFFF;"> <div style="display: inline-block; text-align: right; overflow: hidden; height: 102px; border: 1px dotted #00FFFF;"> <label style="display: block; margin-top: 11px;" for="title">Title:</label> <label style="display: block; margin-top: 11px;" for="case">Case:</label> <label style="display: block; margin-top: 13px;" for="number">Number:</label> </div> <div style="display: inline-block; overflow: hidden; height: 102px; border: 1px dotted #00FFFF;"> <input type="text" name="title" id="title" style="color: #FFFFFF; margin-top: 12px; background-color: #000000; border: 1px dotted #00FF00;"><br> <input type="text" name="case" id="case" style="color: #FFFFFF; margin-top: 12px; background-color: #000000; border: 1px dotted #00FF00;"><br> <input type="text" name="number" id="number" style="color: #FFFFFF; margin-top: 12px; background-color: #000000; border: 1px dotted #00FF00;"> </div> </div> Here is the code... there is a 4 pixel long space between the bottom of the 2 inline-blocks and the bottom of the block there inside... why?
  11. shane18


    Why is there a space between the blue and white border? http://md.oddim.com/
  12. Why if you send a xmlhttprequest u need to put send(null) ... why can't you just put send() why is the "null" required... is it because this function doesn't have a default value for its argument which makes it a requirement? because most php functions for example have optional arguments so if u don't need to set a certain value for a argument it just ignores it...
  13. thanks im still getting use to javascript lol
  14. document.getElementById("LS").disabled="true"; -Works document.getElementById('LS').disabled="false"; -Fails document.getElementById('LS').disabled=false; -Works -Why???
  15. Text/Password/Submit input boxes...
  16. How do you vertically center text within a input box that has a fixed height
  17. Why does the div with the c's do that? I know if I add overflow: hidden; it will work as planed like the a's and b's... but why do I need to add the over flow? im just curious http://www.oddim.com/core.php
  18. i hate it when people are smart asses and post the manual link... maybe I didn't understand that definition of it so i asked what it meant on here to get another prospective.
  19. CURLOPT_HEADER What is this option about? HTTP Headers or <head>...</head> data?
  20. Then I already had the right idea thanks
  21. When you make a request to a PHP page and it returns data... how can u make sure that someone doesn't go to http://www.yoursite.com/yourAJAXphpFILE.php and read that... i kno u can do a session check to make sure the user is logged in and has rights to the data on that page so that someone thats not logged in can't go to it and view data... but if u don't wanted logged in users seeing that data sent to the javascript via ajax.. how do u do it... is it even possible?
  22. shane18


  23. shane18


    If anything, list the steps you take to make sure your site will run smoothly with UTF-8 in every way please...
  24. shane18


    I have a web instant messenger... I want to make sure its set for UTF-8 in every way... I have the database/tables/columns set as utf8_unicode_ci, because I heard thats the utf8 collation that is the best when dealing with every language... *correct me if i'm wrong* so that handles the mysql encoding... I have the content type meta tag on all of my pages... so that handles html/css/javascript encoding... i have the SET NAMES 'UTF8' COLLATE 'utf8_unicode_ci' so that handles the php to mysql connection encoding stuff... how do I let the php processor know its handling a utf-8 WITHOUT BOM php file? Basically, fill in anything I need to do to make my site fully UTF-8 and also correct anything i'm doing wrong... and let me know if i'm doing anything unnecessary... -Thanks for any help
  25. Try <?php $info = array("'$title'","'$city'","'$state'"); ?> onclick="javascript: PayScaleExtension.displaySalaryCalculator(<?php echo implode(', ', $info); ?>, 'United States');"> That should display it like TITLE, CITY, STATE
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