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Posts posted by ximenao

  1. Hello

    First of all I hope I have my question in the correct forum.

    I really need help with this problem! I'm sorry if the the solution is rather simple but I'm still kinda new to all this.


    I'm coding an online quiz for a client. The person must enter the correct answers into the input textboxes coded below:



    <li><input type="text" name="uno" size="25" maxlength="25" align="baseline" /><br /><br /></li>
                               <li><input type="text" name="dos" size="25" maxlength="25" align="baseline" /><br /><br /></li>
                               <li><input type="text" name="tres" size="25" maxlength="25" align="baseline" /><br /><br /></li>



    Once they submit the answers they are sent to the processing script shown below:



     $uno = $_POST['uno'];
     $dos = $_POST['dos'];
     $tres = $_POST['tres'];
    MATCH (q1) AGAINST ('$uno' IN BOOLEAN MODE) as ans1,
    MATCH (q2) AGAINST ('$dos' IN BOOLEAN MODE) as ans2,
    MATCH (q3) AGAINST ('$tres' IN BOOLEAN MODE) as ans3,
    FROM db_4_test";
    $data=@mysql_query($query) or die(mysql_error()); 
    echo "<p align=\"justify\">2. In the passage you have just read there are seven Spanish Speaking countries. List them in the spaces provided.</p>";
    if($data["ans1"]!='0' && $data["ans1"]!='') {
           $a = 1;
    echo "<p><font color=\"#7E4B01\" size=\"+1\">\"<b>$uno</b> is correct!\"</font></p>";
    } else {
           $a = 0;
    echo "<p><font color=\"#F00\" size=\"+1\">\"<b>$uno</b> is NOT a Spanish Speaking country found in the passage you have just read!</font></p>";
    if($data["ans2"]!='0' && $data["ans2"]!='') {
           $b = 1;
    echo "<p><font color=\"#7E4B01\" size=\"+1\">\"<b>$dos</b> is correct!\"</font></p>";
    } else {
           $b = 0;
    echo "<p><font color=\"#F00\" size=\"+1\">\"<b>$dos</b> is NOT a Spanish Speaking country found in the passage you have just read!</font></p>";
    if($data["ans3"]!='0' && $data["ans3"]!='') {
           $c = 1;
    echo "<p><font color=\"#7E4B01\" size=\"+1\">\"<b>$tres</b> is correct!\"</font></p>";
    } else {
           $c = 0;
    echo "<p><font color=\"#F00\" size=\"+1\">\"<b>$tres</b> is NOT a Spanish Speaking country found in the passage you have just read!</font></p>";
    $ex1sum = $a + $b + $c;
    $ex1percent = ($ex1sum/3)*100;
    echo "<p>You scored <b>$ex1sum</b> out of 13 total marks in Exercise IV.</p>";
    if ($ex1percent >= 0 && $ex1percent <= 50)
     echo "<p><img src=\"images/exam_sorry_01.jpg\" width=\"287\" height=\"25\" alt=\"\" border=\"0\"><a href=\"quiz.php\"><img src=\"images/exam_sorry_02.jpg\" width=\"63\" height=\"25\" alt=\"\" border=\"0\"></a></p>";  
    if ($ex1percent >= 51 && $ex1percent <= 84)
     echo "<p><img src=\"images/exam_tryagain_01.jpg\" width=\"210\" height=\"25\" alt=\"\" border=\"0\"><a href=\"quiz.php\"><img src=\"images/exam_tryagain_02.jpg\" width=\"68\" height=\"25\" alt=\"\" border=\"0\"></a></p>";
    if ($ex1percent >= 85 && $ex1percent <= 100)
     echo "<p><img src=\"images/exam_muybueno.jpg\" width=\"80\" height=\"25\" alt=\"\" border=\"0\"></p>";



    The script is a fulltext search which searches a series of columns in a database table and is supposed to find the correct answer. For example if the student enters "Cuba" it is supposed to return the answer as correct in other words display "Cuba is correct!". If the person enters say England it is supposed print "England is NOT a Spanish Speaking country found in the passage you have just read!"

    However no matter what the answer is it always gives the answer wrong even if it is present in the database. If I use just one argument (e.g.: if($data["ans1"]!='0' ) ) it gives every answer correct even it is not in database.

    Can someone please help me? Is there anything wrong with this script that I am missing?


    Thanks in advance


  2. Thanks for responding Fenway.

    Below is the MySQL code for the table


    CREATE TABLE formone_ex1_secthreesr (
    `q1` TEXT( 75 ) CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci NOT NULL ,
    `q2` TEXT( 75 ) CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci NOT NULL ,
    `q3` TEXT( 75 ) CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci NOT NULL ,
    `q4` TEXT( 75 ) CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci NOT NULL ,
    `q5` TEXT( 75 ) CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci NOT NULL 


    And here is the code I used to modify each field to a fulltext index:


    ALTER TABLE formone_ex1_secthreesr ADD FULLTEXT(q1)


    Before I used this code


    ALTER TABLE formone_ex1_secthreesr ADD FULLTEXT q1 (

    `q1` ,

    `q2` ,

    `q3` ,

    `q4` ,




    But that didn't work either.


  3. Hello,

    I am making an online exam with textboxes. If the user enters an answer with the correct keyword or keywords,

    then he will be told "You are correct!" and of course "You are wrong" if the opposite is true...

    To do this I am using a fulltext search with a mysql database table with three fields (q1, q2, q3) with the text format

    and one id field as the primary key as tinyint set to auto increment. I used the following code:


    ALTER TABLE formone_ex1_secthreesr ADD FULLTEXT(q1,q2,q3,q4,q5);


    to create a fulltext index. I use phpmy admin which tells me that a fulltext index exists.

    It was recommended to me to use the following code:


    MATCH (q1) AGAINST ('$uno' IN BOOLEAN MODE) as ans1,
    MATCH (q2) AGAINST ('$dos' IN BOOLEAN MODE) as ans2,
    MATCH (q3) AGAINST ('$tres' IN BOOLEAN MODE) as ans3
    FROM formone_ex1_secthreesr";
    $data=mysql_query($query) or die(mysql_error()); 
    if($data["ans1"]!='0') {
            echo "<p><font color=\"#7E4B01\" size=\"+1\"><b> $uno</b></font> is correct!</p>";
    } else {
            echo "<p>Sorry,<font color=\"#FF0000\" size=\"+1\"><b> $uno</b></font> is wrong! The correct answer is <font color=\"#7E4B01\" size=\"+1\">\"<b>Yo me llamo John Smith</b>.\"</font></p>";
    if($data["ans2"]!='0') {
            echo "<p><font color=\"#7E4B01\" size=\"+1\"><b> $dos</b></font> is correct!</p>";
    } else {
            echo "<p>Sorry,<font color=\"#FF0000\" size=\"+1\"><b> $dos</b></font> is wrong! The correct answer is <font color=\"#7E4B01\" size=\"+1\">\"<b>¿Qué hora es?</b>\"</font></p>";
    if($data["ans3"]!='0') {
            echo "<p><font color=\"#7E4B01\" size=\"+1\"><b> $tres</b></font> is correct!</p>";
    } else {
            echo "<p>Sorry,<font color=\"#FF0000\" size=\"+1\"><b> $tres</b></font> is wrong! The correct answer is <font color=\"#7E4B01\" size=\"+1\">\"<b>¿Qué fecha es?</b>\"</font></p>";



    However, even if I enter an incorrect keyword, not contained within the database, it is returned as correct.

    Interestingly I tried removing "IN BOOLEAN MODE" and I get a error saying

    "Can't find FULLTEXT index matching the column list query:"



    Can anyone help me fix this please?

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