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About broseph

  • Birthday 10/23/1986

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  • Location
    East Coast

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  1. "trim() expects parameter 1 to be string, array given in /home/gayland/public_html/internals/API/Form.class.php" You're passing an array to trim when it only takes a string type. aside from that...."/home/gayland/"? Maybe edit your error message before posting...
  2. one value of, one variable or concat <head> <xsl:variable name="var1" select="var1"/> <xsl:variable name="var2" select="var2"/> <title><xsl:value-of select="$var1" /><xsl:value-of select="$var2" /></title> </head> or <head> <xsl:variable name="var1" select="var1"/> <xsl:variable name="var2" select="var2"/> <title><xsl:value-of select="concat($var1,$var2)" /></title> <!-- or if you want the comma, you can add it to concat. concat takes an unlimited number of arguments <xsl:value-of select="concat($var1,',',$var2)" /> --> </head>
  3. In addition to the aforementioned spelling mishaps, heres another one: " Wikipidia Definition" I believe its "Wikipedia". dang, maq beat me to it.....
  4. sudo chgrp -R patch /var/wwww 1. Run it as root, hence the 'sudo' 2. Recursively change the group, so 'patch' has full access to subfolders.
  5. As thorpe said, Ubuntu is probably your best bet. I have an nvidia card (768mb 8800 gtx), and while yes, the drivers are not open source, they work just fine and they are virtually painless to install. Ubuntu has a "restricted drivers manager" that handles non-open source drivers. You basically just click on your hardware , and click install and it takes care of it for you. Also the debian-based package management system is IMHO superior to anything else I have used as far as simplicity and dependency management. You're also going to want to run a 64-bit OS to take advantage of the 4GB of rame you have.
  6. broseph

    GCC compile

    you will need to use g++ to compile C++ programs. GCC is for compiling (among other things) C code. Including stdlib.h should fix it.
  7. *nix man pages are your FRIEND! you can MOVE: man mv you can COPY: man cp
  8. yes i really do think that is the problem. you have 3 nodes with identical names. <node> <node> <node/> <node/> </node> </node> look up the documentation for getElementsByTagName() and see what it says about what node it will give you a reference to when you have multiple nodes with the same name
  9. Well, for starters you seem to have two nodes named the same thing, perhaps that is confusing it?
  10. To restore the windows MBR you need a windows CD. You can *try* to recover everything by reinstalling grub per MadTechie's suggestions but I dont have high hopes thats going to work for you.
  11. Upon careful inspection, you are correct: your group permissions are the problem. Additionally, you *may* be misunderstanding whats going on with unix permissions. The owner (rwx) is www-data. You are a member of the group www-data (r-x). Again: The directory's OWNER, is the user www-data, the directory's GROUP is the group www-data. This does not mean if you are in the www-data group, that you are the owner. The naming here is confusing and I think thats where you are getting hung-up. Imagine if you changed the owner to 'bruce080'. This would not affect anyone's permissions in the www-data group, because www-data doesn't 'own' the directory, 'bruce080' does. The short answer is you need write permissions for group.
  12. broseph

    flv videos

    Try this
  13. MadTechies instructions will work if your linux partition is /dev/sda1. If you have trouble, please post the output of sudo fdisk -l And we can give you step by step instructions.
  14. If you need a testing enviroment, and are away from your main computer, consider installing ssh or cygwin on your PC. This would allow you to do this testing by logging in remotely (assuming your school gives you access to a *nix shell of some sort, if its a highschool with all Win boxes youre probably out of luck, unless you can run putty or something similar). if you have trouble: windows: http://lifehacker.com/205090/geek-to-live--set-up-a-personal-home-ssh-server linux: http://www.jonathanmoeller.com/screed/?p=1072
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