There are 2 servers : webserver and backup server.
Before I state the problem, I would like to tell that I am using same application(same coding) and same database for web and bk servers.
Everything works fine in webserver. Backup server gives me problem.
The following is the problem I am facing :
I run an application in bk server and index page is OK. When I click on a link to open another page from the index page, only the header, footer and title of the page appeared. The rest : the text boxes and submit button doesn't appear.
Whether I am not PHP professional, I am quite understand program flow. I don't think its a coding problem because the same coding works well in web server.
I reinstall PHP again and test again but same thing happened.
Please help me if you have any idea!!!
Note : Don't know where to put this post, so if there's a wrong place, sorry!!!