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Everything posted by Hyun

  1. Hello Linux Users, I made a new user called patch which is under the patch group. I want the user patch to be able to have full permissions in /var/www/folder. I tried using the chgrp patch /var/www/folder command line but it doesn't work (I've tested via WinSCP). Thanks. P.S.: I use Debian Lenny.
  2. I just want it to be as simple as possible 'cos I'm a php noob
  3. I have one more question. How would you add a horizontal rule after each post? Would I add it on CSS?
  4. Awesome! Thanks! It works now =]
  5. Hello everyone! So, my friend coded this PHP code (SSI.php for SMF recent news function) for me: <?php $array = ssi_boardNews(2, 5, null, 2000, 'array'); foreach($array as $post) { echo ' <h4>', $post['subject'], '</h4> <h2>Posted by ', $post['poster']['link'], ' at ', date('G:i \o\n l, F j, Y', $post['timestamp']), '</h2> <p>', $post['body'], '</p> ', $post['comment_link']; } ?> I wanted to edit how the comment link looks so I edited it to this: <?php $array = ssi_boardNews(2, 5, null, 2000, 'array'); foreach($array as $post) { echo ' <h4>', $post['subject'], '</h4> <h2>Posted by ', $post['poster']['link'], ' at ', date('G:i \o\n l, F j, Y', $post['timestamp']), '</h2> <p>', $post['body'], '</p> <h2>', $post['comment_link'], '</h2>; } ?> But when I do this, I get an error. Warning: Unexpected character in input: ''' (ASCII=39) state=1 in /.../public_html/index.php on line 49 Parse error: syntax error, unexpected '<' in /.../public_html/index.php on line 49 How would I go about fixing this? I also want to add a horizontal rule after each post. Does anyone know how to add it? Thanks.
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