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About JBlaze

  • Birthday 03/19/1989

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Newbie (1/5)



  1. For those of you who may develop programs using Duncan Mackenzie's Xbox LIVE API, you may know that he has taken the service offline, which has left many developers and applications stuck in limbo, attempting feverishly to be accepted into Microsoft's XCDP program. I have come up with a temporary solution, which was to create my own basic API that would allow some functionality while new routes are sought. I personally use this API for my SimpleXBL application, and it has yet to fail me. It allows me to easily update the data harvester as necessary without having to make a new release, and also allows me to have more control over who has access to my application (license control). But I do have a public API that I just released the other day. More information can be found here: http://www.jblaze.net/2011/01/26/xbox-live-gamercard-api/. If you are interested, awesome! If not, that's cool too. I just figured I'd post it here in case anyone else develops apps for Xbox LIVE and was wondering what to do.
  2. Cool. Let me know Interesting. I agree with it, but the problem is that myself and the other admins dont always agree on what should have it's own board and what shouldnt lol. I'll definately keep this in mind. FWIW, we have a new theme and have upgraded to SMF RC2. Any more opinions are greatly appreciated.
  3. Thanks for the ideas and thoughts. The site originated as a homepage for a clan that I am part of, EK. Around February '09, the callofduty.com forums had a mass exodus of members because the staff there were banning any who spoke out about anything, and who didn't keep discussions strictly on topic (in other words, if you even made a slight move towards an off-topic comment, you were given a warning). Anyways, most of my member base are ex-members from there who were just looking for a place to discuss pretty much anything gaming and whatnot. My intentions originally were to just get a group of guys together who love gaming and to talk about gaming. But as we evolved, most are gamers and ex or current military. We talk about more than just gaming, and we are all good friends on and offline. We are looking however to expand to the general population, including gamers across all platforms.
  4. Hey all! Just looking for some honest critique from a different point of view. Maybe someone who has interest in a gaming site or even someone who also runs one. It has been up and running since December '08, but only has roughly 20 active members and just over 10k posts. Maybe some tips on design, fluidity and general content would be greatly appreciated! Link http://gamingbrotherhood.com Test account: UN: Test Account PW: zq9nbrwd Thanks in advance, JB
  5. JBlaze


    Haha. I used to be that when I was first learning. Then I started solving my own problems. I still cause a few here and there to be honest
  6. JBlaze


    Thanks, and sorry... didn't see that lol. I base mine off of my own personal goals and how I can achieve them. I am a problem solver.
  7. JBlaze


    Thanks Yes, I was a Support Specialist and then a Customizer for SMF. I just recently resigned because of real life (going into military), and am looking for somewhere to spend my free time. I would rate myself a 4 out of 10 as a programmer. Im always learning new things.
  8. JBlaze


    How is everyone?! Just dropped by, and loving the site. Figured I may as well introduce myself. I am a former Customizer for SMF (Simple Machines Forum), and am a PHP Programmer. That's all there pretty much is to know
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