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  1. Thanks a bunch, guys !
  2. This is pretty much what I want, just using 5 per row instead of 3 like in the image:
  3. OK, thank you. Is there an easy way to make it a maximum of 5 images per row? Should I just use CSS width or something ?
  4. Hello, I'm creating a website where I want there to be 5 images per row (with several rows) with some text below each image. The image path and description is fetched from a MySQL database. Now, which should I chose; DIV or Tables when it comes to making horizontal rows of images from MySQL? I've tried using tables in the mysql_fetch_array, but the results are only 1 image per row with the description below it, so it doesn't make a horizontal line of images and descriptions. Please help me out !
  5. Hello, I'm currently making a script where I want to disable one of the input text forms. When I disable it the data isn't added to the MySQL database. The same thing happens when I make it hidden. But once I make it editable (normal form) then it's added! Why is that? I have a hidden form which records the IP of the user who signs up, and the IP is added to the database. The value field gets info from a $_GET which fetches some URL bar info (?ref=someusername). BTW: I do see the username in the disabled field when I use a referral link, it's just not added to the DB.
  6. Thank you, that worked perfectly.
  7. Hello, I'm trying to fetch some details from an URL which looks like this: www.somesite.com/register.php?referral=SOMEUSERNAME When someone goes to this site there should be a form input which is "disabled" (gray/not writeable) and has SOMEUSERNAME as value. How can this be done ?
  8. That solved everything! Thanks bunch !
  9. And how exactly will this make me able to do this? echo $points; This did not work, and I'm not sure how to use your replies for what I want to do. $username = $_SESSION['username']; $points = "SELECT * FROM members WHERE username=$username";
  10. Hello, Right now I'm having a hard time fetching rows via sessions. Let's say that I have a session: $_SESSION['username'] Now I log in with username "Andreas". Now I want to fetch the my "Points" count. It looks like this: How can I fetch that info by using my USERNAME session?
  11. Hello, I don't know if this is the correct (sub)-forum to place this, but it's mainly a question that I think has something to do with jQuery or JS in general. Well, I got a website which has several divs. One of the divs is a menu div, which is on the very left of the site. In the middle I got a "main div". On the right side of the site I got another div. Now, I want the main div to show a page once I click a link in the menu div, kinda like how frames work. Let's say I click a link called "Profile", then the main div should show profile.php inside the div, like a frame would have done with "target=main'". I just wonder, is this possible? I got a huge script, and I don't want to make them all over again, therefor begin able to load pages into DIVs would be very helpful. Thank you.
  12. Thank you . If we expand our team we will most likely need beta testers only. Hopefully I'll find some more coders within my country borders, as it'll be easier for us to work together.
  13. Well... Both profit and fun, I guess. At least some of my friends was hoping that we could profit a bit from it, he-he. I want to have the game online, so I guess I'll have to use a web based programming lang.
  14. @blmg911: Let's say I want to create a farm/plantation which each hour adds money into an account. Would a cronjob fit to do that work? @gergy008: Thank you. I'll let you know if we need any .
  15. Nightslyr: Thank you, I'll see if I can order at least one of those books from Amazon (I assume they're there) the coming week .
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