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  1. Thanks to all of you, I solved my problem with java script,here is the link: http://www.phpfreaks.com/forums/index.php/topic,271129.0.html Great work. Thanks
  2. Thanks to all of you, I solved my problem with java script, document.form_name.submit() And this work very well... Great works.
  3. Yes,it is a little XSS but in the real word it is not. If we are talking about XSS then I should use another server from where I start some injection or activities and make an attack on the other side... So, I wish to use the same domain where the web mail are located. Here is the real script how I log in: <form action="https://cpanel2.eutelnet.rs:2096/login/" method="POST" target="_blank"> <b>Login</b> <input type="text" name="user" size="16" > <input type="password" name="pass" size="16" > <input type="submit" value="Login" > </form> this is the same script like if I go to the web mail. The modification should be in the line: <input type="text" name="user" size="16" value="[email protected]"> and <input type="password" name="pass" size="16" value="password" > I can make the script for collecting the user name and pass and to put together the stings of user name and "@yahoo.com" so I have a variable with "[email protected]" but I should print out through php script the following code and start it automatically : <form action="https://cpanel2.eutelnet.rs:2096/login/" method="POST"> <input type="text" name="user" size="16" value="[email protected]"> <input type="password" name="pass" size="16" value="password" > </form> So, have somebody some idea ?
  4. Yes,It is a little confused what I try to do,but I can not find any other possibility... So,here is my post before http://www.phpfreaks.com/forums/index.php/topic,271070.0.html I have 2 web sites. the site1 is mine but the site2 is the web server where I put my web page. I have a web mail to on the site2. I try to make a log in option on my site,on site1 but, the proble is: If I wish to log in to my web mail a have to input my e-mail address that's a little terrible for me. So I wish to input only the user name what is the first some characters left of the @ sign and I wish to create a variable where I can put together the inputted user name with the character @ and the domain name and so I got automatically my e-mail address and I can send it to site2 to log in. The problem is that I can only through a form send the values to the log in page. I think, I can collect the user name and password on my site1 and the collected info's send through a external php files in a form to the log in pages to site2. So I should generate and start automatically this: <form action="some action.." method="POST" target="_blank"> <b>Login</b> <input type="text" name="user" size="16" value="[email protected]"> <input type="password" name="pass" size="16" value="some pass" > </form> some idea?
  5. Hi! I wish to generate a php script in my web page so does it can automatically execute a form option with some input boxes with a predefined values what I put in a variables in the php... Is there any possibility ?
  6. When you click on this link: https://cpanel2.eutelnet.rs:2096/login/ then you can see a web page with a log in option on some hosting server. On this server I have a web page and some E-mail address. So,if I wish to log in to my web mail I have all the time go to this page and write in my full mail address and password. I got an idea to design on my own page a log in field so I can direct write in my user name and password and so directly log in to my web mail.But,the problem is does the server didn't support other log in option just from the site below... So, I try to figure out some option how to send to the server the user name and password from my site which is on the same server to. Have someone some idea?
  7. So,here is my question: I have this web address https://cpanel2.eutelnet.rs:2096 where I have to fill out all the text boxes and login. But,I wish to make the login some simple. In the e-mail text box I must to put the complete mail address like this: [email protected] I wish to make another page with a login form where I can put only the user name and the system should alone put the "@yahoo.com" together with the user name. Here is the code what I use from another page of mine to login on this page https://cpanel2.eutelnet.rs:2096 but I have to put the full e-mail address... <form action="https://cpanel2.eutelnet.rs:2096/login/" method="POST"> <input type="hidden" name="login_theme" value="cpanel"> <b>Login</b> <input type="text" name="user" autocomplete="off" size="16"> <input type="password" name="pass" size="16"> ><input type="submit" value="Login" class="input-button"> <input type="hidden" name="goto_uri" value="/"> </form> I need somehow the variable "user" put together with the strings "@yahoo.com" so I can send to login page the whole "user" with the "@yahoo.com" Have somebody some idea?
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