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About eugene2009

  • Birthday 03/19/1991

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  • Location
    Sacramento, CA

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  1. How would I make it a variable though? I need to plug those numbers into a database. And you know how to remove the apostrophes also?
  2. preg_match_all('|<img src="/images/product/icon/(.+?).jpg|', $str, $matches); foreach ($matches[0] as $select) { preg_match_all('|<img src="/images/product/icon/(.+?).jpg|', $select, $matches2); var_export($matches2[1]); echo '<br>'; }
  3. My array results keep displaying like this. I want it to just display the numbers in the quotations. any help? array ( 0 => '4396', ) array ( 0 => '3934', ) array ( 0 => '5063', ) array ( 0 => '4394', ) array ( 0 => '3936', ) array ( 0 => '4393', ) array ( 0 => '4395', ) array ( 0 => '5064', ) array ( 0 => '5062', ) array ( 0 => '4224', ) array ( 0 => '3322', ) array ( 0 => '3321', ) array ( 0 => '3320', ) array ( 0 => '3725', )
  4. hello. i have a php page in a <img src'""> tag. i did this to have it record the viewers ip.. this tag is placed on a dynamic page.. so the page is always different.. is it possible to use something like.. file_get_contents to record all the text thats on the page where the <img> tag is included? i do not know how to word this.. please help
  5. is this the proper way to do it? <? header('Content-Type: image/<image-mime>'); echo '<img src="img_url_here">'; ?> because it is not working
  6. because say i want to put this on a myspace profile.. i cannot run scripts on myspace.. lol
  7. How would I go about using an “img src” tag to call a PHP script that looks like a .gif, but instead of showing a graphic that program looks at the server environment in order to capture the IP address. please help. thank you
  8. thank you! works great!
  9. very simple.. i just want to know the simplest way to do it.. how would i split a 10 digit number.... i.e. 5952324843 into 3 variables.. say if its a phone number and i want them to be split into characters of 3, 3, and 4. ($var1, $var2, $var3 ) thank you
  10. pretty stupid to do
  11. seriously.. come on. just help me
  12. hmm if its the same url over and over just do this <? echo "<a href=\"http://www.company.com".$whatever_the_link_is."\">http://www.company.com".$whatever_the_link_is."</a>"; ?>
  13. you forgot the } at the last line
  14. that does not work.. hmm i tried everything possible somebody PLEASE HELP ME!
  15. I already read that article but it does not make sense to me because I do not have access to the server.. i tried this $sql = "SELECT *, date_format(date, '%m/%d/%Y at %I:%i %p' )as date FROM comments SET time_zone = America/Los_Angeles WHERE tutorialid='1' ORDER BY commentid DESC LIMIT $offset, $rowsperpage"; this still doesnt work.. please help
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