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Everything posted by kthomp53

  1. Well, there is a mini calendar but you dont see that in the preview. There is also a blurb display (like a list of upcoming events) that is included... I guess I should include that in the preview. This is the first versions of both.. So I will eventually add the other features that you were talking about.. I really thank you for the pointers! Nice tips!
  2. I have developed a couple of web widgets and I was wondering if I could get some input/opinions.. event_calendar-> calendar.circalink.com administrate: calendar.circalink.com/event_calendar/EVENT_ADMIN.php (admin1/password) -AND- simple_chat-> chat.circalink.com Thanks in advance!
  3. I use http://www.bluehost.com I have called customer service for various reasons (some that I don't even think they should have helped me with) Always able to talk with a live person with little to no wait time.... Unlimited everything.. Reccomend them any day.
  4. Hey everyone, I'm making an event calendar and just wanted some input: http://calendar.circalink.com http://calendar.circalink.com/event_calendar/EVENT_ADMIN.php username:admin1 password:password You may download it here: http://www.circalink.com/?page_id=192 Thanks for any input/help!
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