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Everything posted by MasterK

  1. I am a Beginner at PHP, and Need a little help with this I have a script for Inserting Videos into a Mysql Database. Currently all I have is the Tables, Which I have made it so you can chose how many to show. What I need help with is, How to create the Mysql INSERT to insert however many they chose to add... Here is my code so far... Any help/comments/tips/suggestions are welcome <table width=90%> <tr> <th colspan=6>Add New Videos </th> </tr> <tr> <td width=60>Anime</td> <td width=20>Season</td> <td width=20>Episode #</td> <td width=150>Episode Name</td> <td width=150>Video URL</td> <td width=50>Host</td> </tr> </table> <table width=90%> <form action= method=post><input type=hidden name=subm value=1> <? $num = $_GET['nm']; if($num=="") { $num = 2; } $i = 1; while($i<$num){ ?> <tr> <td><input size=10 type=text name=AnimeN<? echo"$i";?>></td> <td><input size=5 type=text name=SnNumber<? echo"$i";?>></td> <td><input size=5 type=text name=EpNumber<? echo"$i";?>></td> <td><input size=30 type=text name=EpName<? echo"$i";?>></td> <td><input size=30 type=text name=VidURL<? echo"$i";?>></td> <td> <select name=Host<? echo"$i";?>> <option value=Myspace>Myspace</option> <option value=MegaVideo>Megavideo</option> <option value=Veoh>Veoh</option> <option value=clip.vn>clip.vn</option> <option value=Other>Other</option> <option value=MP4>MP4</option> </select></td></tr> <?php $i++; } ?> <tr><td> <input type=submit class=button value="Add Video"></form></td></tr></tr></table>
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