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  1. Thanks mikesta707, I'll check those site out. I want to learn and that's a good place to start. @Cardale - not to be rude, but you're not exactly encouraging. Just looking for direction from people and not Google.
  2. Hey everyone, I have a client has meeting agendas and minutes that should be posted online. I could teach someone how to FTP it onto the site, but I thought PHP would allow for a cooler solution. Here is the client's site: http://fullertonrsa.com/agendasminutes.php The site I want to build is very similar to this one http://asi.fullerton.edu/asigovernance/agendas.asp. I want the upload form to ask for -- an authentication (so randoms dont upload files) -- automatically add a link to the file -- since there are only 2 "classes" of uploads (agendas and Minutes), control where it shows up on the page. -- *or* be able to place the file into a pre-made table on the agenda/minutes page. -- *or* simply list the files in an chronological order I hope I explained the request well enough. If there are tutorials that can build individual parts of this, I'm more than willing to learn and figure it out. Thanks everyone.
  3. u, ppl, and missing spaces will not give the impression of professionalism. Use proper English and the search engines will like you more too. On the software page, re-size the picture using Photoshop and save it as a JPG or GIF. BMPs aren't the best for web. Is there a header for the site? Maybe it just didn't load for me. The site is still a bit rough, keep at it.
  4. Your CSS and JavaScript should be in external files anyways. <link rel="stylesheet" href="css/style.css" type="text/css" media="screen" /> Use that code to reference a .css document you place in a folder called CSS. Switch over to code view and copy all your CSS tags into a single external one. Its going to help with loading times and prevent any weird problems that might come up with multiple <style>s. The JavaScript should be separate too probably. Same thing as before, place all the code inside the <script language="JavaScript1.4" type="text/javascript"> into an external .js file. Then make sure you reference it in your code. <script type="text/javascript" src="scripts/ca_signup.js"></script> Having external files for JavaScript and CSS will prevent the browser from having to download EVERYTHING each time a user views a page. Hope this all makes sense.
  5. I agree, very nice site. My only suggestions are: [*]Have more informational hierarchy in the main banner copy. The six lines of long text gets lost in my eyes. Maybe make them shorter and a few less lines. [*]The Footer image looks a little fuzzy, especially compared to the rest of the high quality images on the site. Maybe someone with more Typography expertise can help here, but mixing serif and sans-serif fonts might be against a few "rules." Really small suggestions for a great overall site.
  6. Hey everyone, Heard about this site from some friends and wanted to get your opinions on a few of my projects. Student Org site in Fullerton www.fullertonrsa.com OC musician's site www.kacieyoshida.com SFSU Hockey Club www.sfsuhockey.com I've heard nothing but good things about this site, and look forward to hearing your thoughts. Critique my code too if you're feeling it. Thanks.
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