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Everything posted by Arel3

  1. Umm...before I get in to it and spend hours on it to find out the hard way; does this IMAP script work on windows based systems? All of the instructions on the link you've provided, Thorpe, seem to be linux based. NOT A PROBLEM! If this script is what's going to do what I want I'll convert the system to linux. I just want to know if it's windows compatible instead of wasting time working on it and find out in the end that it will only work on linux based systems.
  2. Thanks, thorpe! I'll check that out and see if it does it.
  3. They are stored and originally received on public domains. They're on both our ISP's server, yahoo, and hotmail. Our LAN system has email capabilities. I would like to have the messages from the public domains forwarded to the in house server and have this script, if the script itself is even possible, run locally. I am not sure if our ISP's system will allow PHP to access the email directories, I will check in to it and find out. I do know the local system will.
  4. When we have a page full of calls it gets printed and filed. Very hopeful for a way to automate this so I can do more important things like... scratch my butt
  5. I'm an office manager building an internal system. I would like to automate as much of the job as possible. Calls for our service go to call centers, which then come to us in an email. We take the body of the email and paste it in to a .txt document. The format of the "calls" (emails) is this: Which then needs to be formatted like this:
  6. Is there a way to get text from an email and display it in a notepad document? If there is a way it can be done...how?
  7. If the data is not freely available via an API or feed then its guaranteed that the website owner doesn't want you to have the data (or hasn't the skills to create a data source). However most article sites contain user submitted articles, they do not belong to the website owner so you will find the same article all over the web. If you want these articles then you need to write a bot that can extract the page content and then filter all the shit out (html, etc) and leave the article. There will not be a specific script to do this as every website is different, however the tools to make it work are available. Look at CURL. Be careful when scraping data. Do you have suggestions of where I can look to create a bot specific to each site?
  8. Thank you both. jonsjava, the sites I'm refering to that have the articles I'd like to post don't have a feed. So they don't have an XML file. That is very good info, the kind of info I was look for though...thank you! Yes, neil.johnson, I am being very careful with it. That is why I've asked the expert freaks
  9. I have found a script that posts RSS's for me on a site that I'm building. However I would like to also post other articles that don't have a feed. Is there a legal/respectable way to harvest and post these articles on my site? Does such a script or application exist? What would be the keywords I should search for?
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