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  1. because I'm just a beginner and I need to know how to do a binary search
  2. AlexWD do you know what to do? You've given some pretty good help before.
  3. I really need help.
  4. Anyone? :/ :/
  5. Does anyone know?
  6. So I'm trying to make a program that makes it so that you input whether it's a hardback or paperback book and it outputs if it's found or not found and how many books are in stock based on the 2 txt files i have. I can get it to display the Not Found part, but the problem is is that it does it for every book. My code: <form method="post" action=""> <p>Name: <input type="text" name="book" value="<? echo $_POST['book'];?>" ></p> <p>Hardback or Paperback (enter h or p): <input type="text" name="hp" value=<? echo $_POST['hp'];?> ></p> <p><input type="submit" name="submit" value="Reorder" /></p> <? if( isset($_POST['submit'])){ $book = $_POST['book']; $hp = $_POST['hp']; $paperback = array(); $hardback = array(); $file = fopen("paperback.txt", "r") or exit("Unable to open file!"); while(!feof($file)) { $f = fgets($file); array_push($paperback, $f); } fclose($file); $file2 = fopen("hardback.txt", "r") or exit("Unable to open file!"); while(!feof($file2)) { $g = fgets($file2); array_push($hardback, $g); } fclose($file2); //print_r($paperback); $implode = implode('",',$paperback); $explode = explode('",',$implode); $numbers = array(); $paper_titles = array(); //print_r($explode); for($i = 1; $i <= 9; $i = $i + 2){ array_push($numbers,$explode[$i]); } //print_r($numbers); for($i = 0; $i <= 8; $i = $i + 2){ array_push($paper_titles,$explode[$i]); } //print_r($paper_titles); sort($paper_titles); $first = 0; $last = 4; $flag = false; if($hp == "p"){ while($first <= $last && $flag == false){ $middle = intval(($first + $last) / 2); if($book == $paper_titles[$middle]){ $flag = true; } elseif($paper_titles[$middle] > $book){ $last = $middle - 1; } elseif($paper_titles[$middle] < $book){ $first = $middle + 1; } } if($flag == true){ echo "Found, and there are " . $numbers[$middle] . " copies in stock."; } elseif($flag == false){ echo "Not found"; } } $implode_2 = implode('",',$hardback); $explode_2 = explode('",',$implode_2); $numbers_2 = array(); $hard_titles = array(); //print_r($explode); for($i = 1; $i <= 9; $i = $i + 2){ array_push($numbers_2,$explode_2[$i]); } //print_r($numbers); for($i = 0; $i <= 8; $i = $i + 2){ array_push($hard_titles,$explode_2[$i]); } //print_r($hard_titles); sort($hard_titles); $first_2 = 0; $last_2 = 3; $flag_2 = false; if($hp == "h"){ while($first_2 <= $last_2 && $flag_2 == false){ $middle_2 = intval(($first_2 + $last_2) / 2); if($book == $hard_titles[$middle_2]){ $flag_2 = true; } elseif($hard_titles[$middle_2] > $book){ $last_2 = $middle_2 - 1; } elseif($hard_titles[$middle_2] < $book){ $first_2 = $middle_2 + 1; } } if($flag_2 == true){ echo "Found, and there are " . $numbers_2[2] . " copies in stock."; } elseif($flag_2 == false){ echo "Not found"; } } } ?>
  7. ..
  8. .
  9. I can't. Does anyone know how to do it without using a database?
  10. .
  11. I know. That's the only part I don't get how to do.
  12. its not working
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