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Do the sk8

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Everything posted by Do the sk8

  1. As in; */5 * * * * ?
  2. When posting on an external page, I can make it echo, which is what the $ror variables are for. Edit; Quoted out the function line, works, thanks.
  3. Trying to ping an IP and port, it worked before, I didn't even edit it, and now it's just a blank page.. <?php $ip = "localhost"; $port = "80"; //pinging to check online function checksts($ip, $port, $timeout=5) { $connect = fsockopen( $serveraddr, $port, $errno, $errstr, $timeout ); if ( ! $connect ){ $ror = "<font color=\"red\"><b>Offline</b></font>"; echo "1"; } else { $ror = "<font color=\"green\"><b>Online</b></font>"; echo "2"; }} ?> I'm pretty sure it's pinging, because; 1. Localhost replies to 80 due to it's running off localhost, and the server is on. 2. It worked before.. Any help?
  4. Explain, does it login with any random names, or does it not show?
  5. if (isset($_POST['Submit'])) { //lul $username = $_POST['username']; $password = $_POST['pass']; $sql = mysql("SELECT * FROM `members` WHERE `user_name`='".$username."' AND `user_pass`='".$password."'") or die(mysql_error()); $count = mysql_fetch_row($sql); if($count != 0) { while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($sql)) { $member_username = $row['user_name']; $member_password = $row['user_pass']; } } ?
  6. On a MySpace script to grab picture and friend ID urls, everything is going fine, up to the picture URL grab, it's suppose to grab the current picture URL from the friend ID, to repost, using preg_match; define ("profile_url","http://profile.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=user.viewprofile&friendID=" ); $full_file_path = profile_url.$fid; $handle = fopen($full_file_path,"r"); if (!$handle){ echo "<p>Sorry Myspace Is Slow Try Again.\n"; $arr = 0; } else { $timeout = 300; ini_set('max_execution_time','120'); set_time_limit(120); ini_set('default_socket_timeout','120'); while($contents = fread($handle,'1024')) { $hold .= $contents; } preg_match("/<a id=\"ctl00_cpMain_ctl00_UserBasicInformation1_hlDefaultImage\" rel=\"searchMonkey-photo\" href=\"http:\/\/viewmorepics.myspace.com\/index\.cfm\?fuseaction=user\..*?friendID=$fid\">.*?<\s*img [^\>]*src=\"([^\">]+)/is",$hold,$match); $pic_url = $match[1]; preg_match("/<span class=\"nametext\">(.*)<br \/>/",$hold,$match); $name = $match[1]; if(empty($pic_url)) { preg_match("/<a type=\"text\/javascript\" id=\"ctl00_cpMain_ctl00_UserBasicInformation1_hlDefaultImage\" rel=\"searchMonkey-photo\" href=\"http:\/\/viewmorepics.myspace.com\/index\.cfm\?fuseaction=user\..*?friendID=$fid\">.*?<\s*img [^\>]*src=\"([^\">]+)/is",$hold,$match); $pic_url = $match[1]; } if(empty($name)) { preg_match("/<span class=\"nametext\">(.*)<\/span>/",$hold,$match); $name = $match[1]; } fclose($handle); ini_restore('max_execution_time'); ini_restore('default_socket_timeout'); if(empty($pic_url)) { ?> <script language="javascript"><!-- alert("Invalid ID!") location.replace("index.php") //--> </script> I've tried a few things, such as add user_set, and preg_match_all, any idea what it could be? Thanks
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