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Everything posted by JustLikeIcarus

  1. You could also take a look at the mysql YEAR(), MONTH(), and DAY() function to extract parts of a date then order by the cols you want.
  2. I would guess its a possible formatting issue in your text file or possibly a duplicate pkey. Cant really tell without seeing the file your importing. Can you attach that?
  3. Are you using some kind of ORM to ease the headache? If not I suggest using the Kohana PHP framework www.kohanaphp.com Once you get your models created it makes everything easier. For example if you had Seasons related to Teams and Teams related to Members printing the list of teams would be as simple as (Note: this is a very rough example.) foreach($season->teams as $team){ echo $team->name; foreach($team->members as $member){ echo $member->name; } }
  4. Designer only works for InnoDB tables. So I would check that first.
  5. Ive actually done this however mine was for several different sports/teams etc... What ive found as the best way is a seasons table with a flag indicating active/inactive then teams have a season_id. Then you just have your queries ignore inactive seasons. Make sense?
  6. Why regex and not something like update table set column = lower(column) where column != lower(column)
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