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Everything posted by JustLikeIcarus

  1. Just remove z-ndex:10 from the .project_hover css. The lightbox overlay is using a z-index of 1 so anything with a higher z-index will sill show.
  2. just change your .row css to : .row { clear:both; background-color: #fff; } That made it work in IE 6 which is the only ie i have available.
  3. That's because you can't use column aliases for functions in a where clause. You have to use the actual finction.
  4. Ok so using my previous query sort it like this SELECT TIMESTAMPDIFF(MINUTE, `arrival` , NOW() ) as MinutesPassed, Minutes - TIMESTAMPDIFF(MINUTE, `arrival` , NOW() ) as MinutesLeft FROM hospital ORDER BY MinutesLeft
  5. I found the following steps to do what you want in GD.... My recommendation would be to get imagemagick lol 1. Split the animated gif into individual frames: http://phpclasses.elib.com/browse/package/3234.html 2. Resize the individual frames: http://www.akemapa.com/2008/07/10/php-gd-resize-transparent-image-png-gif/ 3. Recomposite the frames into an animated gif again: http://phpclasses.betablue.net/browse/package/3163.html
  6. Yes you can use math in the order by section. Sounds like you want to prioritize people by taking into account Their total estimated wait and how long they have waited. Is that right?
  7. Yes thats an invalid insert statement try it like this. INSERT INTO probid_auction_media (auction_id, media_type, media_url, order) VALUES (100051, 1, 'uplimg/img_1000341037872_24623246jpg.jpg', NULL)
  8. Yeah sorry that should have been MinutesPassed. But I also noticed that your Minutes left math is backwards. try this. SELECT TIMESTAMPDIFF(MINUTE, `arrival` , NOW() ) as MinutesPassed, Minutes - TIMESTAMPDIFF(MINUTE, `arrival` , NOW() ) as MinutesLeft FROM hospital ORDER BY MinutesPassed
  9. Out of curiosity what does this query return? SELECT t1.team_id, t1.alt_name, t1.career_id, t4.division, t4.logo, SUM(IF(t2.outcome LIKE 'w%', 1, 0)) as w, SUM(IF(t2.outcome LIKE 'l%', 1, 0)) as l, SUM(IF(t2.outcome = 't', 1, 0)) as t, SUM(SUM(IF(gg.outcome LIKE 'w%', 1, 0))*2 + SUM(IF(gg.outcome = 't', 1, 0))) as pts FROM smf_osm_teams t1 LEFT JOIN smf_osm_goalie_games t2 ON(t1.team_id = t2.team_id) LEFT JOIN smf_osm_schedule t3 ON(t2.game_id = t3.game_id) LEFT JOIN smf_osm_divisions t4 ON(t1.division = t4.division_id) WHERE t1.division > 0 AND t1.event_id = 3 AND t3.reg_play = 'r' AND t4.division = 'A' GROUP BY t1.team_id, t1.alt_name, t1.career_id, t4.division, t1.logo
  10. Ok so out of curiosity what does the following return? SELECT TIMESTAMPDIFF(MINUTE, `arrival` , NOW() ) as MinutesPassed, Minutes FROM hospital WHERE TIMESTAMPDIFF(MINUTE, `arrival` , NOW() ) - Minutes > 0 ORDER BY MinutesPassed if that returns nothing, then see what this returns SELECT TIMESTAMPDIFF(MINUTE, `arrival` , NOW() ) as MinutesPassed, TIMESTAMPDIFF(MINUTE, `arrival` , NOW() ) - Minutes as MinutesLeft FROM hospital ORDER BY MinutesPassed
  11. The answer to both of those wuextions is absolutely not. If you are using only one of the columns in the two column index then that index will not be used. So it is smart practice to index on the single column as well if it will be used a lot iin your queries.
  12. Not without some trickery... But if you are updating a record then you have access to its id at that time so you can set it to a variable and then reference it when you need it. Really it's very hard to help out with this without seeing any of your code.
  13. You are going to need to use wildcards in the AGAINST clause if you want to return words that contain the specified string such as doing the following to return records that contain "play" either as a word its self or as part of a word like "gameplay". AGAINST ('*play*' IN BOOLEAN MODE)
  14. What does the following query return SELECT TIMESTAMPDIFF(MINUTE, `arrival` , NOW() ) FROM hospital Im assuming that the arrival column is of type DATETIME correct?
  15. I assume you are using js to drag/drop and initiate the backend call correct? You just need to have the js function send the name of the table being updated to the backend.
  16. Youhave a type in your text input element <input ="Text" VALUE="username" NAME="username"> Should Be <input type="text" value="username" name="username" />
  17. oh sorry i forgot to name them in the queries select q1.result as colname1, q2.result as colname2 from (select count(`product_id`) as result from `product`) q1, (select count(`user_id`) as result from `user`) q2
  18. A view is basically just the result of a select statement. So once your query is returning the data how you want then you just do create view myView as (put your sql here) If you want your columns to be made up of the results of different queries there are a couple was to do this. The easiest to maintain would be something like select q1.result as colname1, q2.result as colname2 from (select count(*) from some_table) q1, (select count(*) from some_table) q2 Hope that made sense.
  19. to save yourself some eventual headache you might want to change the input elements names to cat[] instead of cat since it appears you are wanting the results as an array.
  20. this is because you are adding the mycity select box to the dom dynamically so it will not exist when a post is performed. One way to solve this is to have a hidden input element and set its value to the selected value in the dropdown via js then reference the hidden element in the php to get the value. Any time you add a form element after the dom has loaded it wont be seen by the browser when the form is submitted.
  21. It is public to a point. It is still property of weather.com in this case. They have advertisers paying them because people go to the sight to view that information. If you pull the data off of there site to display on another site then you are bypassing those advertisements. This is why sites like weather.com introduce api's for pulling their information from the backend directly. You agree to a specific terms of service for use of that interface.
  22. Since you will have the primary key of the record your editing you could just add a section to your select excluding that record from your count.
  23. Also keep in mind that if you scrape content from a site without using an api provided by them for that purpose then you are essentially stealing their content. They can get upset about this since it bypasses advertising etc...
  24. Have you looked into using Weather.com's xmloap developer feed http://www.weather.com/services/xmloap.html. API keys are free you just need to sign up.
  25. You can try pulling the contents of the page into a variable using php/curl <? $ch = curl_init(); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, 'http://www.example.com'); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, 1); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1); $data = curl_exec(); curl_close($ch); ?>
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