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Posts posted by stav

  1. I have 2 tables and I want to count highest version per country for all users


    John is from the USA, and he has versions 1,2,3,4,5 and 6

    Bob is from France, and he has versions 1,2 and 3

    Mary is from France too, and she has versions 1,2 and 3

    I want to count just the last versions from anny of them

    Becouse :

    John has higher version 6 he won't be counted in versions lower than 6

    Bob has higher version 3 he won't be counted in versions lower than 3

    Mary has higher version 3 she won't be counted in versions lower than 3

    So the final result will be as the Desired result set at bottom

    ---- ----- ----------
    1  |  John |  USA
    2  |  Bob  |  FRANCE
    3  |  Mary |  FRANCE
    ---- ------- ---------
    1  |  John  |  1
    2  |  Bob   |  1 
    3  |  John  |  2 
    4  |  Mary  |  1 
    5  |  Mary  |  2 
    6  |  John  |  3 
    7  |  John  |  4 
    8  |  Bob   |  2 
    9  |  John  |  5 
    10 |  Bob   |  3 
    11 |  Mary  |  3 
    12 |  John  |  6 


    Desired result set:
    Country | V1| V2 | V3 | V4 | V5 | V6
    -------- ---- --- ---- ---- ---- ----
    USA     | 0 | 0  | 0  |  1 | 1  |  1
    FRANCE  | 0 | 0  | 2  |  0 | 0  |  0


    Please help me , thanks.

  2. I have this query

    $sql = "SELECT vid,title,rating FROM video WHERE  approved=1 ORDER BY rating DESC LIMIT 10";

    and this is the result video page


    vid  |  title    | rating


    1    |  title1  |  10

    5    |  title5  |  12

    34  |  title34 |  18

    6    |  title6  |  20

    12  |  title12 |  20

    8    |  title8  |  20

    54  |  title54 |  20

    23  |  title23 |  43

    37  |  title37 |  44

    3    |  title3  |  48


    now i have a link in the video result page when user click on video he can see that video in video preview page

    there i want to ad <<prev and next>> button so user can go to next or prev video from the video resut page





    if the user watch video vid 12  next will be video with vid  8 and prev the video with vid 6



    $nextsql  = "SELECT vid,title,rating FROM video WHERE rating >= (SELECT rating from video WHERE vid=12) AND vid!=12 AND approved=1 ORDER BY rating DESC LIMIT 1";
    $prevsql  = "SELECT vid,title,rating FROM video WHERE rating <= (SELECT rating from video WHERE vid=12) AND vid!=12 AND approved=1 ORDER BY rating ASC LIMIT 1";


    but i have problem when there are videos with same rating values


    Can some one help me to find prev and next vid  order by rating in this example


    Thank you!

  3. I have MySql db_table with column 'days_in_week' with values like


    record_id1 = weekly|99|MO|TU|WE|TH|FR

    record_id2 = weekly|99|TU|TH|FR

    record_id3 = weekly|99|MO|WE

    record_id4 = weekly|99|SA



    How can i find which record has e.g. WE in the array separated by |.





    $Today = substr(strtoupper(date('l')),0,2);





    I was trying REGEXPthis but i have one wrong result back.




    $mysql_Query = "SELECT from db_table where days_in_week REGEXP '".$Today."' ";



    How can i do that something like PHP  in_array() function.



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