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  1. Hi Site design stands out and is unique. I second what dropfaith said about the navigation links being a bit to light, and therefore could be a bit to hard to read, try a darker colour. Also I would think about changing "creative print & website design and development" tooooo "Creative print, website design & development". Just sounds better in my opinion Thats about it for now. P.S. Liked the "farmers market" website design in your portfolio, gd job.
  2. hello! Thanks for all your feedback guys, I am in the process of making it all now. When its done I will be sure to post the finished site up on here for some more reviews. Any more reviews on the draft image still appreciated! Thanks
  3. Hello! Ok here are my thoughts. I think that the reflection on the sburke.eu -> Homepage of Stephen Burke does not work to well. I am not sure about the random header images, but if you are going to do that make your sburke.eu -> Homep... title text stand out more! Not to sure about the brown colour on the navigation bar, maybe consider making it a darker brown ? I like the transparency effect, and the little arrows as bullet points are good. Maybe consider trying out your website in some different colour schemes to see how it looks. Also just a note on the background image, remember to consider people with high screen resolutions, as when they view your site the image will just end. The width of the website to me looks fine, I see no problems with that. Nice simply design and layout. Your site, once made, will be easy to navigate. Keep the blog updated as much as possible and your on your way
  4. Hi Nice simple design, easy to navigate around, think about adding a capture to your forms, e.g. signup form Also not 100% sure what your website is really about, what about one clear sentence on the front page telling you its purpose? or something along those lines. Other than that nice work, keep it up
  5. Hello I would really like to get some feedback on this website design. Its not 100% finished yet, and its just the basic layout. What do you think of the design/layout/colours etc so far? Does it look like a professional website? Do you like it? http://i48.tinypic.com/1zoajc2.jpg Can't wait for some feedback on this so would be great to here from you all! Many thanks P.S. Be honest about it!
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