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Everything posted by DarrenReeder

  1. $title=mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['title']); $content=mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['content']); $date=date('Y-m-d'); $query=mysql_query("INSERT INTO latestUpdates SET ID='', title='$title', content='$content', date='$date'"); have i used it right?
  2. HEllo, i made this site for my school work but it is not working in internet explorer (for Profile page and main page when you logged in)... Please can someone help me out why it is not working on IE? (somthing to do with DIV CSS?) http://snookeralive.netii.net Username: "PHPfreaks" Password: "123456" ----- Also any other help with the website layout and idea would be nice, however read these notes because these are things i know that are bad: The login confirmation page (white page once logged in) was just made while i test login system, ill remove soon. The forums are not uploaded yet, so they will not work although i REALLY need help with these problems: [*]When you edit your profile information, if you make the text go down, it goes off the profile box [*]You can upload a massive profile picture, i need some way of making the image you upload smaller if it is too big or just not letting you do it. [*]Broken pages (like i said at top of thread) -THankyou!
  3. hello, i am trying to make a quick control panel for my server for my game. the server works by running a .exe file. i want to be able to access this when im out and about so i want to make a control panel and put it online. What programming language do i need to be able to run a .exe file from the web page. Also if you know how to..how would i do it using that language? -thanks, Darren.
  4. its not on the template... its been put into the forums itself.. and its the SMF control panel...?
  5. Hey, at the bottom of the page is has a 'donate now' button.. how do i get rid of this? or add a new one?? i cant work out how to remove it on the admin control panel.. www.lsrgta.smfnew.com
  6. Hey! i want to make a text based/clicking browser game but i got no ideas for themes of the game...so anyone got any good ideas for a browser game that i could make?
  7. Looks very nice, Took me a while to load it up but im not sure if thats because my laptop is crap, or becuase i need to load alot of stuff on ur site :/
  8. this is a example of what id useally make (i only done it quickly before i going bed..also i havent added text..and i havent even set up text in correct poisiton yet) so...u can see wat i mean, Do u know any tutorials that can help out with new types of layouts.. i tried experimenting with the header, but it just looks crap :/...
  9. Srry that this isnt 100% CSS or even webdesign...but id like to know how to make my site not look at 'cartoony' and 'beginnery'..... at the moment i make crappy things on fireworks and it looks basic..
  10. if u look at my site on the profile page, u will see wat my question is and why i cant just repeat it :/
  11. Hey, i do not know Javascript yet, and i do not plan to learn it today because im still trying to carry on with learning CSs...although id like to know if javscript is similar to PhP?? ive seen a few introductions to javscript on google and it sounds like its like a different version of PHP...but im not sure exactly? can someone explain exactly what is good about javascript e.t.c.
  12. Hello, on my site i have made for a school project snookeralive.netii.net i have got a profile section and i have made it so yuo can edit yuor profile and update your info..although when u update it with too many characters going down...it goes off the background image for the profile section...i want to know how i would go about makeing it so that image goes on for as long as it needs to??? if anyone knows a good tutorial that can help me with this problem..that'd be great!
  13. oh i see, it just makes sure its a constant layout throughout ALL browsers?
  14. but wouldnt Margin: 0px; be the same as putting nothing there, because 0px is nothing :/ thats what is confusing
  15. Hello, I am a "new" website developer, I learnt HTML and PHP just before christmas and i have now decided to learn CSS because i should of learnt it a long time ago.. i am looking at some CSS templates and i am going through some tutorials although ive noticed that people use: margin: 0px; margin: 0 auto; padding: 0; alot, but im not sure exactly what these do :S, they seem like they should do nothing, but when i remove them it causes all the text on the templates to go messed up.... any help on what they do exactly would help alot...thanks!
  16. do you need a ; on the require_once thingy???
  17. P.S i wanna know how i can make them neat on all browsers or another way of setting them out
  18. Hello, i am making a site for a school project and i want to make forums from scratch however last time i made some i had a problem with it... www.soldierswarfare.co.cc is the site i made a long time ago (and it is very messy and crap if you see it) and on there i have got some forums i made myself although the problem with them is when you are on firefox, the forums work perfectly and all...although when i use internet explorer the tables i used for the forums mess up and the text starts to pile up on each other...if u log on www.soldierswarfare.co.cc with these details, u can see forums on firefox and internet explorer so u know wat i mean.. user: phpfreaks pass: 1234567 ----- just go straight to 'main forums' and take a look at em
  19. just search around for psp web design? i found this http://www.albinoblacksheep.com/tutorial/psp
  20. you made this? - wat languages u used?
  21. i recon ill just make a 'Edit Profile Page' - although if i finish it in time and still have alot of time left on my project..ill learn JS- thanks everyone ive posted my site on the Critic section of php freaks
  22. damm, had a feeling id have trouble with this... How long would it take to learn javascript? and is this easy to make?
  23. Hello...On my site which i am making for my school project i have got a profile page. (my site is like a snooker version of facebook)...on the profile page you have a section that says 'about me' and a few other little things...i want to know how i can make it so when u click a 'button' or somthing..it converts ur 'about me' section into a Textarea box (like a form box) so u can edit it then update it... THe only thing i can think of is by making a seperate page for the whole thing, but id like to do it the way i said...so i just want to know how i can do this with php (Thats if i can...)
  24. i like it...it does look out-dated (like other guy said) but thats mainly because of ur banner and the text you are using e.t.c. - i really like it and i am defently going to use this for school - keep it up its a very nice site I would suggest getting a decent Banner (i culd help out if u add my contacts) and get some decent headers for it and just stuff like that msn: [email protected] xfire: mowgli2k7
  25. Hey, im just making this lil site for a school project...i started of by downloading a CSS template (just for a quick start because ive not been working in school for past few months :/ ) and ive coded everything with PHP and Mysql (and html i spose) - So far ive made regsiter,login and i started on the members section and so far i for the updates page (admins use a form to enter update) and i got the start of the profile page... im trying to make it like a snooker version of FAcebook were snooker players just sign up to and can post blogs and ARticles about snooker (I.E. tutorials on snooker / Views on current professional snooker e.t.c.) although at the moment on the members section i have onli got the updates page and a bit of the profile page.. Any suggestions from anyone to help me out before i get too in depth and cant change anything...ThankS! snookeralive.netii.net thanks again everyone...all comments appriciated
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