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I need it to do what this forums pages does. Exactly that
Also, I think that code assumed the person would always be on page 9? o_O
Thanks. Don't quite work though. With the start= section, each page starts every 15. So, page 2 would be start=16, page 3 would be start=31 That script assumes pages go as start=1 for page 1, and start=2 for page 2.
I currently use the following script to make links from page to page on my website. <?php echo "<p id=\"pages\">"; for($i=0;$i<$limit;$i+=15){ echo "| <a href=\"?start=".($i+1)."\">".($i/15+1)."</a> | "; } ?> Now, I am getting so many pages, that management of them is getting difficult. I want to make it where it only shows the previous 5 pages to the current, and the next 5 pages fromt he current. So, if a person was on page 10, It would show ...5 || 6 || 7 || 8 || 9 || 10 || 11 || 12 || 13 || 14 || 15... Keep in mind I am pretty code dumb, as I am just learning. So any help would have to be dumbed down pretty good. To see what links I am talking about in person, the website is: http://dolphinmania.pandaandpenguin.com/dolphinmania
Now, who would keep track of the clicks? Would it be the person paying for the adspace, or would it be me? Sorry, kind of new to all of this adspace stuff. I'm not sure how to go about going up to a company and be asked details I don't know about. How does running them work? Like, how are they paid out? Monthly, weekly? How much do you usually see for advertising? I think I've heard somewhere that it can go higher than like 20 cents per click. Does that sound right?
I don't think it falls into any other category. I want to start allowing businesses to rent adspace from me on my website. My question is how is this done? I mean, I know getting the businesses that want to advertise is just as easy as messaging the marketing people of the company, but code side... How are you usually paid for them. I'm guess per click, but who counts clicks, and how? How much, and what kind of coding is needed to insert these ads?
I was told I have to put a strip tags code into my shoutbox to make it secure. Only problem, I have no idea where to put it. Add code to perform strip_tags() on $shout in shoutbox.php Is what I was told to do... Here is the shoutbox.php <?php /* ShoutPro 1.5.2 - shoutbox.php ShoutPro is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 2.5 License. For more information see the file LICENSE.TXT in the documentation folder included with this distribution, or see http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/2.5/. This file is shoutbox.php. It is the main part of ShoutPro. Do not modify this file unless you know what you're doing. Simple customization should be done in config.php and your .css stylesheet. */ if ($_POST["action"]!="") $action = $_POST['action']; else if ($_GET["action"]!="") $action = $_GET["action"]; if ($_POST["name"]!="") $name = $_POST['name']; else if ($_GET["name"]!="") $name = $_GET["name"]; if ($_POST["pass"]!="") $pass = $_POST['pass']; else if ($_GET["pass"]!="") $pass = $_GET["pass"]; if ($_POST["shout"]!="") $shout = $_POST['shout']; else if ($_GET["shout"]!="") $shout = $_GET["shout"]; //include.php calls default ShoutPro functions and settings into effect. ShoutPro cannot run without it. require("include.php"); //Generate an array of password protected names, to be transferred to JavaScript later. $restricted_names = array(); $index = 0; $FileName="lists/names.php"; $list = file ($FileName); foreach ($list as $value) { list ($restrictedname,$namepass,$nameemail,) = explode ("|^|", $value); $restricted_names[$index] = trim(strtolower($restrictedname)); $index++; } extract($HTTP_REQUEST_VARS); //Extract all GET and POST variables to avoid annoying errors on strangely configured machines. if($action == "post" && $name && $name != "Name"){ //Prepare the name $shout = trim($shout); $shout = stripslashes($shout); $shout = str_replace ("\n", " ", $shout); $shout = str_replace ("\r", " ", $shout); $name = trim($name); $name = killhtml(killscript($name)); restrictedname($name,$pass); //Store username in a cookie setcookie("shoutpro_username", "", time() - 31536000); $cookielife = time() + 31536000; setcookie("shoutpro_username", $name, $cookielife); } ?> <html><head><title><?=$shoutboxname ?></title> <link rel="stylesheet" href="<?=$theme ?>" type="text/css" /> <style type="text/css">.shout {overflow: hidden;}</style> <SCRIPT language="JavaScript"> function reload() { var loc = "shoutbox.php?"; if (document.getElementById('moreshouts').style.display == 'inline') loc += "viewall=true&"; <? if ($userpanelon == "yes"){ ?> if (document.getElementById('userpaneloff').style.display == 'inline') loc += "userpanelon=true&"; <? } ?> location.href = loc; } function checkrname() { //This function is called after a name is entered in the form field, and checks if it is registered. //If it is, it alerts the user, shows the password box, and focus on it. //If not, it focus on the shout textarea. var isin = false; if (document.getElementById('name').value != ""){ for (var i = 0; i < namesarray.length; i++){ if (namesarray[i] == document.getElementById('name').value.toLowerCase()){ alert("You have entered a registered name. Please provide the password."); document.getElementById('passwordfield').style.display = 'inline'; document.getElementById('pass').focus(); isin = true; } } } if (isin == false){ document.getElementById('passwordfield').style.display = 'none'; document.getElementById('shout').focus(); document.getElementById('shout').select(); return false; } else return true; } function CheckForm(){ //Check if a name has been entered if (document.getElementById('name').value == "" || document.getElementById('name').value == "Name"){ alert("<?=$inputname ?>"); document.getElementById('name').focus(); document.getElementById('name').select(); return false; } //Check if a shout has been entered if (document.getElementById('shout').value == "" || document.getElementById('shout').value == "Shout!"){ alert("<?=$inputshout ?>"); document.getElementById('shout').focus(); document.getElementById('shout').select(); return false; } return true ; } function doviewall() { //Make the rest of the shouts viewable document.getElementById('moreshouts').style.display = 'inline'; document.getElementById('viewall').style.display = 'none'; document.getElementById('viewless').style.display = 'inline'; } function doviewless() { //Hide more shouts document.getElementById('moreshouts').style.display = 'none'; document.getElementById('viewall').style.display = 'inline'; document.getElementById('viewless').style.display = 'none'; } function openhelp() { //Pop up the help window window.open('help.php','help_window','toolbar=no,location=no,directories=no,status=no,menubar=no,scrollbars=yes,resizable=no,copyhistory=no,width=270,height=400') } function stoptmr(){ if(tmron){ clearTimeout(timerID); tmron = false; } } function starttmr(){ stoptmr(); timerID = setTimeout('reload()', <?=$refresh ?>000); tmron = true; } var tmron = false; var tmrid; <? if($refreshmode != "manual") echo("starttmr();"); ?> var namesarray = new Array("<?=implode('","', $restricted_names); ?>"); //Convert the PHP array of names to JavaScript for client-side access </SCRIPT> </head> <body style="width: <?=$width ?>px !important;"> <?php //The following code posts a message. if($action=="post"){ if (!$name) echo("<script>alert(\"".$inputname."\");</script>"); else if (!$shout || $shout=="Shout!") echo("<script>alert(\"".$inputshout."\");</script>"); else { //Prepare the shout $shout = trim($shout); $shout = stripslashes($shout); $shout = str_replace ("\n", " ", $shout); $shout = str_replace ("\r", " ", $shout); badname($name); if(!namelength($name,$nameminlength,$namemaxlength)) die(); //Check length of name to min and max lengths $shout = first($shout); $name = first($name); if(!length($shout,$minlength,$maxlength)) die(); //Check length of shout to min and max lengths //Find the date and time $date = date("F j, Y", time() + $timeoffset * 3600); $time = date("g:i A", time() + $timeoffset * 3600); //Add the shout to the end of shouts.php if($FilePointer = fopen("shouts.php", "a+")){ fwrite($FilePointer,"$name|^|$shout|^|$date|^|$time|^|$_SERVER[REMOTE_ADDR]|^|\n"); fclose($FilePointer); } } echo("<script>location.href='shoutbox.php';</script>"); } //Show the shoutbox name if selected if ($displayname == "yes") echo ("<div align=center><b>$shoutboxname</b><br /><br />"); //Show the form. echo("<form name='postshout' method='post' size='300px' action='shoutbox.php?action=post'>\n"); echo("<input id='name' class='textbox' name='name' type='text' value='"); if ($_COOKIE["shoutpro_username"]) echo $_COOKIE["shoutpro_username"]; else echo "Name"; echo ("' onFocus=\"stoptmr()\" onBlur=\"checkrname();\"><br />\n"); if ($_COOKIE["shoutpro_username"] && in_array(strtolower($_COOKIE["shoutpro_username"]),$restricted_names)) echo "<div id='passwordfield' style='display:inline'>"; else echo "<div id='passwordfield' style='display:none'>"; echo("<input class='textbox' name='pass' id='pass' type='password' value='' onBlur=\"if(this.value != ''){document.getElementById('shout').focus();document.getElementById('shout').select();}\" onFocus=\"stoptmr()\" /><br />\n</div><textarea id='shout' class=textbox name='shout' rows='4' style='width:310px;' onFocus=\"stoptmr()\">Shout!</textarea><br />\n"); echo("<div id='buttons'><input class=textbox type='submit' id='post' name='post' onFocus=\"this.select();\" value='Post' onclick='return CheckForm();'>\n"); if ($refreshmode != "auto") echo("<input class=textbox type=button value='Refresh' onClick=\"reload()\">\n"); echo("</div></div>"); $row_count = 0; //Display shouts $shouts = file("shouts.php"); $shouts = array_reverse($shouts); foreach ($shouts as $item){ if ($row_count == $numshoutsdisplay){ if ($_REQUEST["viewall"] == true) echo "<div id='moreshouts' style='display:inline'>"; else echo "<div id='moreshouts' style='display:none'>"; $viewalled = true; //We already displayed the viewall div } $row = ($row_count % 2) ? "one" : "two"; list ($poster,$message,$date,$time,$ip) = explode ("|^|", $item); $thisnamecolor = ""; $thisnamecolor = colornames($poster,$thisnamecolor); $message=profanityfilter(shoutcode(smilies(killhtml($message)))); $thisshout = "<span style='color: $thisnamecolor !important;' class='name'>$poster:</span> $message"; $thisshout = killscript($thisshout); echo "<div class='shout' id='row-$row' title=\"Posted $date @ $time\">$thisshout</div>"; $row_count++; } if (!$viewalled) echo "<div id='moreshouts' style='display:none'>"; echo "</div><br /><div id='bottomlinks'>"; if ($row_count > $numshoutsdisplay){ if ($_REQUEST["viewall"] == true) echo "<a href='shoutbox.php?viewall=true' onClick='doviewall();' style='display:none' id='viewall'>View All</a><a href='shoutbox.php' onClick='doviewless();' id='viewless'>View Less</a>::"; else echo "<a href='shoutbox.php?viewall=true' onClick='doviewall();' id='viewall'>View All</a><a href='shoutbox.php' onClick='doviewless(); ' style='display:none' id='viewless'>View Less</a>::"; } echo "<a href=\"javascript:openhelp();\">Help</a>"; if($userpanelon == "yes") if ($_REQUEST["userpanelon"] == true) echo "<br /><a href='#' id='userpanelon' onClick=\"document.getElementById('userpanel').style.display='inline';document.getElementById('userpanelon').style.display='none';document.getElementById('userpaneloff').style.display='inline';\" style='display:none'>Open User Panel</a><a href='#' id='userpaneloff' onClick=\"document.getElementById('userpanel').style.display='none';document.getElementById('userpanelon').style.display='inline';document.getElementById('userpaneloff').style.display='none';\" style='display:inline'>Close User Panel</a>"; else echo "<br /><a href='#' id='userpanelon' onClick=\"document.getElementById('userpanel').style.display='inline';document.getElementById('userpanelon').style.display='none';document.getElementById('userpaneloff').style.display='inline';\">Open User Panel</a><a href='#' id='userpaneloff' onClick=\"document.getElementById('userpanel').style.display='none';document.getElementById('userpanelon').style.display='inline';document.getElementById('userpaneloff').style.display='none';\" style='display:none'>Close User Panel</a>"; ?> </div><br /> <div id='userpanel' style='display:<? if ($_REQUEST["userpanelon"] == true) echo "inline"; else echo "none"; ?>'> <a href='#' onClick="window.open('userpanel/register.php','userpanel','toolbar=no,location=no,directories=no,status=no,menubar=no,scrollbars=yes,resizable=yes,copyhistory=no,width=400,height=400');"> -->Register a Name</a><br /> <a href='#' onClick="window.open('userpanel/changepass.php','userpanel','toolbar=no,location=no,directories=no,status=no,menubar=no,scrollbars=yes,resizable=yes,copyhistory=no,width=400,height=400');"> -->Change your Password</a><br /> <a href='#' onClick="window.open('userpanel/findpass.php','userpanel','toolbar=no,location=no,directories=no,status=no,menubar=no,scrollbars=yes,resizable=yes,copyhistory=no,width=400,height=400');"> -->Reset your Password</a><br /><br /> </div> <?php ?> Where do I put this strip_tags() to make my box secure?
So, my website uses ShoutPro. Well, today iw as looking in my file manager and saw the file "hey.php" in the directory of the shoutbox. I tried opening the file via my file manager, and it made FF stop responding. From what I did see of the code before it froze was milw0rm. I did some research and found that ShoutPro has a security issue, and that it can be used to remotely execute commands. I deleted all files related to it (which was only the hey.php and info.txt, which both had the same looking code in it) I searched milw0rm and got the following link about the Shoutpro Exploit: http://www.milw0rm.com/exploits/3758 I am pretty much a newish PHP coder, and do not know very much. Can someone put into dumb terms what this link is saying? What should I do to "sanitize" this code they are referring to? Sorry if this is the wrong forum
It's a PHP problem. The js works, I just need to know how to syntax the PHP. The JS was more of a outline of what I am wanting the PHP to do.
Thanks for the reply. I think I am starting to understand. However, i is actually part of the array (As far as I can understand) I'm actually trying to convert some javascript into PHP. Here is the js: var gameCap=0; var glowCt=0; var fishCt=0; for(var i in json[2][2]){ if(json[2][2][i]['in_env']==1){ fishCt++; if(json[2][2][i]['game_specifics']){ gameCap+=Number(json[2][2][i]['game_specifics']['rewards'][0]['cap']); glowCt++; } } } I'm trying to basically do for each i part of the array, if "in env" is found in the i section ++ to fishCT also if there is a "game specifics" array section to add $gameCap to what is in the "cap" part of the array. Sorry if I sound dumb in the way I explain. I am quite new to PHP
I have a script that decodes a json file for information, and I am trying to do a for script for information, but I keep getting an error. I am trying to use the following script <?php $gameCap=0; $glowCt=0; $fishCt=0; for($i in $hay[2][2]{ if($hay[2][2]{i}{'in_env'}==1){ $fishCt++; } if($hay[2][2]{i}{'game_specifics'}){ $gameCap+$hay[2][2]{i}{'game_specifics'}{'rewards'}{0}{'cap'}; $glowCt++; } } ?> And i get: Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_STRING, expecting ';'
Alright. That is well beyond my experience right now. xD Thanks for the information though. Much to learn first!
I am *still* new to PHP, and are looking to make something that shows how many people are currently using my site. Only problem is. I have no idea how to. I know I have to create a data base that logs ips, but after that, I am clueless. Any help would be fantastic. If possible, I would like it dummied down, and the "why this does this" thing, instead of just the code.
The main thing I am worried about is the text file that my function is pulling from: <?php function Tank(){ $ids=file('momos.txt'); $limit=sizeof($ids); $start=$_GET['start']; if(!$start){ $start=1; } $start=intval($start)-1; if($start>1){ if($start-16<1){ echo "<a href=\"?start=1\">Prevous Page</a> "; } else{ echo "<a href=\"?start=".($start-14)."\">Prevous Page</a> "; } } else{ echo "<a onclick=\"getLastPage(this);\" href=\"?start=?\">Prevous Page</a> "; } if($start/15==round($start/15)){ echo "<a href=\"?start=".($start+1)."\">".($start/15+1)."</a> "; } else{ echo "<a href=\"?start=".($start+1)."\" title=\"Current page minus 1 is not a multiple of 15.\">IDK</a> "; } if($start+16>$limit){ echo "<a href=\"?start=1\">Next Page</a>"; } else{ echo "<a href=\"?start=".($start+16)."\">Next Page</a>"; } echo "<table cellpadding=\"1\" cellspacing=\"1\" border=\"1\" width=\"55%\" align=\"center\" bgcolor=\"#000000\"><tbody>"; for($i=$start;$i<$start+15;$i++){ if($i<$limit){ $data=explode("|~|",$ids[$i]); if($i/2==round($i/2)){ $color="#835a17"; } else{ $color="#fbbe67"; } echo '<tr bgcolor="'.$color.'">'.checkTank($data[0],$data[1],$data[2])."</tr>"; } } echo "</tbody></table><p id=\"pages\">"; for($i=0;$i<$limit;$i+=15){ echo "<a href=\"?start=".($i+1)."\">".($i/15+1)."</a> "; } echo "</p>"; } ?> I want the file momos.txt to be pulled from my server to look for the information
Ohhhh. LOL Is there anyway I could do that? I am making something for someone to use on their own server, but I want the code to stay unseen. That way it can not be copied.