I know this thread is a month old but for sake of keeping the board clean I will post here. I am having this exact same problem. Secondly, until today I have no experience with Apache or PHP but I am not a total fool
*I am using Apache 2.2.14 with open ssl , PHP 5.3.1 not thread safe VC6 x86, XPSP3.
*I have placed my php folder into the path variable and rebooted.
In the error log I get: cannot open php5apache2_2.dll. The module cannot be located. I have dl'ed the dll and placed it in my php folder and still nothing. I have searched many forums and tried many fixes but none work.
This is the code used:
<code>LoadModule php5_module "C:/server/php/php5apache2_2.dll"
PHPIniDir "C:/server/php"</code>
Thanks for any help, it works for other people so I am sure I am doing something wrong.