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About greenbizkit33

  • Birthday 11/23/1984

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  • Gender
  • Location
    mcdonough, georgia

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Newbie (1/5)



  1. It should work UK. Is there a phone provider you would like me to add?
  2. I created a web page to send text messages from the web. I understand there is a lot out there but I hope to do a better. I tested it out on a few carriers and they work fine. I started to get some traffic but it started to fail. Could you please test it out and see if your text message goes through? thanks! site : http://nathanhaze.com/textafriend/ proof: http://nathanhaze.com/textafriend/phpfreaks.txt
  3. I do not understand the site. Maybe explain the site a little on the homepage
  4. looks good and everything, but not a huge fan of going with all stock photos. maybe add photos of the team or other stuff to go with stock photos.
  5. i like the idea. keep up the good work
  6. i dont care about the repeating images, so 90s lol the copyright dates on the bottom seem wrong "2009 - 2014" the input field at the top seems very small. add more color.
  7. I wanted to do a blog, but after looking at Wordpress blogs there would of been no way i could of came close to what they offer. I so wanted to stay away from wordpress, but i gave it a try. IT'S GREAT! There would of been no way i could of accomplished what i did without it. I started 2, but only been working on one: peoplewtf.com.... Your blog looks good, but check on wordpress also.
  8. I am on the side there is nothing wrong with having a 2.0 feel for an older person website. I wouldnt go all the way and an add rss feed lol.... maybe dividing the page up into more pages would be a start. add like a FAQ section, what you fix, some before and after shots
  9. not sure about that image on the left above the top 5 rank is about. seems like a logo that stretched to fit in a container.
  10. Yeah i total agree with the guy above me on everything. ... you seem to have a lot of tags on each product. i really do not think that will help out on seo as much as you think. google has a great article on how to get better rank. you can not speed up the indexing of the pages, but you can use http://www.google.com/webmasters/ to submit your page and find out more issues with your site.
  11. Photoshop could go that easily. dont blame you if you dont have it.
  12. i like i like... i do not care about the sliding navigation. it looks nice, but maybe have some more suitable content in there. also i think the logo could be a little lighter.
  13. if i was a potential customer i did not get a feeling you offered much. i understand you may not have a lot in your portfolio but you could work around that. maybe advertise more that you specialize in payment transaction and not a php developer. i am having trouble explaining it. you just do not have enough to show off your php skills, but you have enough to show off your good at payment transaction. the site looks looks great though!
  14. thanks for the info. i knew about the whole indexing and not hosting idea, but your came off as hosting. you pulled it off well and best of luck.
  15. i dunno know. the images look fine to me, maybe you fixed them... the disney font from the logo was a interesting decision lol. your not worried about pirating issues. i thought many times hosting copyrighted material. did once and last like 3 months before all them was deleted
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