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About RopeADope

  • Birthday 02/16/1991

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  1. So it would be the settings dictating the cache size that determines how long the record stays in cache?
  2. Theoretical.
  3. My original post was the question that was asked of me. Would it have anything to do with these settings? http://www.debianhelp.co.uk/mysqlperformance.htm
  4. Probably? I'm not familiar with the caching abilities of MySQL so I read through some documentation and user posts about it, but I'm still confused. I think because of the way the question was asked of me, I figured there was an actual time setting somewhere. Does the query cache has an actual time setting or is the time based on the number of queries ahead of the query in question?
  5. Hi all. What setting dictates the time that a record will stay in the cache?
  6. Hi all. I have an application hosted on a 9.04 server. Access to this application is done via a port forward from a firewall to the 9.04 server. How can I force all access to this application to be https?
  7. Just trying to figure out the what the framework would look like basically. I wasn't sure if each chart type should have its own class or if a parent chart class was acceptable.
  8. Hi all. I'm starting a mini-project with the purpose of creating PHP generated charts. I just had a quick question on the class structure that I should use. My instinct tells me to do it like this: class chart{ function pie(){ } function bar(){ } } Is that a legitimate structure or is there a better way to do this?
  9. Hi all. I have an application that will eventually be hosted online. I know how to generate certificates but I'm unsure as to how I actually apply them to a site/application. Any help would be much appreciated.
  10. I might be thinking about it the wrong way, but it seems like to delineate table access by prefix I would need something in the connection script? Or would the table access be purely on a database level? If so, how do I restrict access on the database level?
  11. Hi all. I'm working on a PHP application that will serve several clients. After a discussion on another thread about compliance, I've decided that using tables with a client specific prefix would be the safest way to go. However, I'm having a lot of trouble wrapping my head around what the database connection script would look like. I have a generic one that connects with host, user, pwd, and db as arguments but I'm not sure how to modify it to incorporate the table prefix requirement. Thoughts on how I can incorporate the aforementioned requirement and enhance the script in general? function connect_mysql($host,$user,$pass,$database){ $conn=mysql_connect($host,$user,$pass)or die('Cannot create link'); mysql_select_db($database)or die('Cannot select database'); };
  12. Finally got this figured out and working perfectly. I had to rework the file naming convention slightly but everything displays perfectly now. P.S. If there is any way to make this better or more compact, I'd greatly appreciate any input. <?php if ($handle = opendir($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/documents/sop/')) { echo "Files:</br>"; while (false !== ($file = readdir($handle))) { if($file=="." or $file==".."){ echo ""; }else{ $pattern=array( "/bus_mgmt_/", "/dem_mgmt_/", "/eng_/", "/risk_mgmt_/", "/ste_sta_/", "/strategy_/", "/financial_mgmt_/", "/service_level_mgmt_/", "/service_portfolio_/", "/workforce_mgmt_/", "/bus_it_requests_/", "/change_mgmt_/", "/project_mgmt_/", "/release_mgmt_/", "/availability_mgmt_/", "/capacity_mgmt_/", "/configuration_mgmt_/", "/planning_/", "/problem_mgmt_/", "/compliance_/", "/info_security_/", "/service_continuity_/", "/threat_mgmt_/", "/incident_mgmt_/", "/service_desk_/", "/service_requests_/", "/supplier_mgmt_/", "/sop/", "/context/", "/.pdf/" ); $replace=array( "Business Management - ", "Demand Management - ", "Engineering - ", "Risk Management - ", "Steady State - ", "Strategy - ", "Financial Management - ", "Service Level Management - ", "Service Portfolio - ", "Workforce Management - ", "Business/IT Requests - ", "Change Management - ", "Project Management - ", "Release Management - ", "Availability Management - ", "Capacity Management - ", "Configuration Management - ", "Planning - ", "Problem Management - ", "Compliance - ", "Information Security - ", "Service Continuity - ", "Threat Management - ", "Incident Management - ", "Service Desk - ", "Service Requests - ", "Supplier Management - ", "SOP", "Context", "" ); echo "<a href=\"$file\">" . preg_replace($pattern,$replace,$file) . "</a></br>"; } } closedir($handle); } ?>
  13. Just a side note...you may already do this...but I inevitably wind up with huge files mostly because I group things by logical function. What I've always done is use tags and just search for the tags. Ex: <?php //Tags: post,print array, processing function myFunction(){ echo "Doing some processing..."; print_r($_POST); } //10,000 lines later... //Tags: mysql, query, last function lastFunction(){ echo "This is the last function, I swear..."; mysql_query(); mysql_close(); } Its obviously a very manual way to do it but its definitely easy to just "Find" a tag than to find something by scanning.
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